Test: MSI X470 GAMING PRO CARBON AC bundkort

Bundkort, AMD d.  20. juli. 2018, skrevet af Renissen2 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 13386 gange.

Korrekturlæser: DeXTRoNiaN
Billed behandling: Renissen2
Oversættelse: DeXTRoNiaN

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 1299,00
Produkt udlånt af: n/a
DK distributør: n/a



Dette MSI X470 GAMING PRO AC bundkort har også været en fornøjelse at have kørende i testperioden. Det overraskede mig en smule at dette bundkort som burde ligge i en klasse under ASUS ROG VII HERO bundkortet faktisk kunne fremvise næsten identiske scorer i de forskellige tests. Det undrede mig at jeg ikke kunne få lov til at skrue op i OC til de samme 4,25 GHz som jeg testede ASUS bundkortet ved. Det kan man eventuelt gøre bedre hvis man OC'er i BIOS da dette bundkort afgjort har et stort potentiale for manuelt OC i kraft af sine mange faser i strømforsyningen til CPU'en. Bundkortet har de funktioner man kan forvente at finde på X470 chipsættet i form af f.eks. M.2 slots x2 og så måske lige et par SATA porte mere end vi så PÅ ASUS ROG HERO bundkortet. Så til slut vil jeg bare konkludere at dette bundkort er specielt dedikeret til GAMING og det vil det helt sikkert være fortrinligt til i kraft af den medfølgende GAMER software og de forstærkede PCIe og RAM sokler.

Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Dette bundkort har MSI gjort til noget særligt ved at lave forstærkninger på de for Gamere meget relevante steder, hvor et bundkort til Gaming normalt vil have svagheder nemlig PCI og RAM slottene som på denne model er specielt forstærket med stål for at give længere holdbarhed og større styrke.

Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Selvom der er meget software med i pakken synes jeg bundlen er lidt tynd, men OK det er også "kun" et mellemklassebundkort så man kan ikke forvente samme pakke som til de helt store "Entusiast" bundkort.

Design/Layout - 4
Det matsorte bundkort med samme farve stik og dæksler/kølere ser utroligt godt ud. Det er lige efter min personlige smag. Det er også rart at se at MSI har gjort RGB LED lyset mere indirekte frem for at det bliver braget ud, direkte fra LEDerne. Her er de gemt lidt af vejen under dæksler og Køler plader.

Software/BIOS - 4
Softwaren der medfølger er ganske stor og især dedikeret til Gaming. Jeg syntes umiddelbart den virkede en anelse tynd, men det var så også et "Titanium" X370 jeg testede sidst og der var alt hvad man overhovedet kunne tænke sig til af diverse programmer og tilbehør.

Ydelse - 4
Jeg blev glædeligt overrasket over ydelsen som jeg er sikker på ville yde lige så godt som ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO hvis jeg havde været i stand til at tvinge RYZEN 2700X op at køre 4,25 GHz, men jeg måtte desværre nøjes med 4,2 GHz.

Pris - 4
Prisen synes jeg er helt OK for et fint mellemklassebundkort som dette, for det er alligevel lykkedes MSI's ingeniører at udnytte alle de funktioner som chipsættet nu byder på f.eks. M.2 NVMe x2 og 8 SATA 6Gb/s stik som dog bliver reduceret med et enkelt stik, hvis man vil bruge M.2-2 stikket som er det nederste M.2 NVMe stik.



Test: MSI X470 GAMING PRO CARBON AC bundkort
Innovation / Teknologi4
Bundle - Tilbehør3
Design - Layout4
Software - BIOS4

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This MSI X470 GAMING PRO AC motherboard has also been a pleasure to run during the test period. I was amazed that this motherboard that should be in a class under the ASUS ROG VII HERO motherboard could actually show almost identical scores in the different tests. I was surprised that I could not turn OC to the same 4.25 GHz as I tested the ASUS motherboard. It can possibly do better if OCs in BIOS as this motherboard definitely has great potential for manually OC through its many phases of the power supply to the CPU. The motherboard has the features you can expect to find on the X470 chipset in the form of, for example. M.2 slots x2 and maybe just a few SATA ports more than we saw on the ASUS ROG HERO motherboard. Finally, I would like to conclude that this motherboard is specially dedicated to GAMING and it will certainly be great thanks to the included GAMER software and the enhanced PCIe and RAM sockets.

Innovation/Technology - 4
This motherboard MSI has made somewhat special by making enhancements to the highly relevant places where a Gaming motherboard will usually have weaknesses such as the PCI and RAM slots, as this model is specially reinforced with steel for longer durability and greater strength.

Bundle/Accessories - 3
Although there is a lot of software included in the package, I think the bundle is a bit thin, but OK, it's also "only" a middle class card so you can not expect the same package as the very big "Enthusiast" motherboards.

Design/Layout - 4
The matte motherboard with the same color connectors and covers / coolers looks incredibly good. It is just after my personal taste. It's also nice to see that MSI has made the RGB LED more indirect rather than expanding directly from the LEDs. Here they are tucked a bit out of the way under the covers and cooler plates.

Software/BIOS - 4
The software provided is quite large and especially dedicated to Gaming. I immediately thought it seemed a bit thin, but it was also a "Titanium" X370 I tested lately and there was everything one could possibly think of from various programs and accessories.

Performance - 4
I was pleasantly surprised by the performance which I'm sure would make just as good as the ASUS ROG CROSSHAIR VII HERO if I had been able to force RYZEN 2700x up and running 4.25 GHz, but I unfortunately had to settle for 4.2 GHz.

Price - 4
The price I think is quite OK for a fine mid-range motherboard like this, for it is still managed by MSI's engineers to take advantage of all the features the chipset now offers such as M.2 NVMe x2 and 8 SATA 6Gb/s connectors, which however, are reduced with a single plug if you want to use the M.2-2 connector which is the bottom M.2 NVMe connector.