Kabinetter d. 15. juni. 2018, skrevet af Renissen2 0 Kommentarer. Vist: 14193 gange.
Dette kabinet har været en fornøjelse at have i hænderne og det var særdeles nemt at bygge et nyt system ind i. ENERMAX har jo også mange år på bagen og burde om nogen vide hvad der tænder hos deres brugere og i dette tilfælde en silent kabinet. Personligt synes jeg de har fundet et lækkert design med både den spejlblanke nærmest sorte hærdede glasplade og front. Desuden er layoutet ligesom jeg elsker det en afdækning af PSU'en og montering af harddiske i PSU rummet samt SSD'er bag bundkort pladen.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Her vel ikke det helt store og nye tiltag på innovationssiden, men der er brugt velkendte teknologier til at fremstille hele kabinettet. Det er så ikke negativt da de anvendte teknologier er anvendt på professionel vis til at skabe dette ENERMAX EQUILENCE Silent case ECA 3511.
Bundle/tilbehør - 4
Der medfølger alt hvad der skal bruges til at montere hardware i kabinettet og derudover lige lidt ekstra i form af en gummitylle til under glaspladen og en fingerskrue til enten glaspladen eller højre side plade. Det er glædeligt at se for det er præcis en af de nævnte ting der nok skal forsvinde hen ad vejen.
Design/Layout - 5
Som nævnt i konklusionen finder jeg dette kabinet ret lækkert i både design og layoutet indvendigt. Det er også en fin måde som højre sideplade er monteret på med kun 2 fingerskruer i overkanten.
Pris - 4
Nu hvor jeg ved at prisen lander på 667Kr. for dette kabinet, så må man sige at det er en rigtig god pris. Det er stadig et fedt kabinet med god funktionalitet og lyddæmpning indbygget samt 3 silent blæsere og 3 filtre. Kort sagt god valuta for pengene.
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
Samlet | 85% |
This cabinet has been a pleasure to have in the hands and it was very easy to build a new system in. ENERMAX has many years on its back, and should anyone know what is going on with their users and in this case a silent cabinet. Personally, I think they have found a nice design with both the mirror-like almost black hardened glass and front. In addition, the layout like i love it is a cover of the PSU and the mounting of hard drives in the PSU room as well as SSDs behind the motherboard plate.
Innovation/Technology - 4
This is not the big and new initiative on the innovation side, but well-known technologies have been used to manufacture the entire cabinet. It's no negative, because the technologies used are professionally used to create this ENERMAX EQUILENCE Silent Case ECA 3511.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
It comes with everything that is needed to mount hardware in the cabinet and additionally just a little extra in the form of a rubber seat under the glass plate and a finger screw for either the glass plate or right side plate. It's gratifying to see because that´s exactly one of the things that will probably disappear along the way.
Design/Layout - 5
As mentioned in the conclusion, I find this cabinet quite delicious in both the design and the layout inside. It's also a nice way that the right side plate is mounted with only 2 thumbscrews on the top.
Price - 4
If the price of the approx. $ 90 or just $ 600 will hold for this cabinet, you have to say it's a really good price. However, I only found a price on foreign pages so I do not know the level of the advancement, but there is if nothing else the 25% buyers tax at home. However, the price would end at 800 DKK or slightly over, so it's still a cool cabinet with good functionality and soundproofing built-in as well as 3 silent fans and 3 filters. In short, good value for money