Test: Asus TUF B450M-PLUS Gaming

Bundkort, AMD d.  04. september. 2018, skrevet af freak_master 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 19167 gange.

Korrekturlæser: jmose
Billed behandling: svedel77
Oversættelse: freak_master

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 803,00
Produkt udlånt af: ASUS
DK distributør: Komplett.dk



Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Med det nyeste budget chipset fra AMD sammen med muligheden for at overclocke synes jeg at kortet gør det fint her. Jeg må indrømme at jeg savner de funktioner som TUF brandet stod for før i tiden, men det ser ikke ud til at man kan få det, ihvertfald ikke med B450 chipsettet.

Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Med kun et minimum af tilbehør synes jeg ikke at jeg kan give bundkortet mere end 3 her.

Design/Layout - 4
Generelt kan jeg rigtig godt lide designet ASUS er kommet med. Jeg savner dog muligheden for at dække komponenter af for støv. Fordi at kortet har fået TUF navnet kan jeg ikke andet end at se lidt anderledes på det, men kigger vi ikke på brandet, så synes jeg at det er ganske fint.
ASUS har også lavet en strømforsyning der er ganske udemærket til det bundkortet henvender sig til.

Software/BIOS - 5
Som altid fra ASUS ser vi en fantastisk software pakke og BIOS.

Ydelse - 3
Det er altid svært at give point her, da der er så mange faktorer der kan ændre ydelsen. En af dem i dette tilfælde er helt sikkert min CPU, der har svært ved at køre 3200MHz RAM hastighed, hvilket vi så i SuperPI 1M. Men set i lyset af at det var svært at hive ekstra ydelse ud af bundkortet, og at det ikke kunne holde CPU'en stabil ved 4.2GHz, som de sammenlignede bundkort, så vil jeg give 3.

Pris - 4
Bundkortet er billigt, hvilket gør at man kan se igennem fingre med mange ting. Til 800kr. vil jeg mene at man får hvad man betaler for, jeg ville dog gerne have set bundkortet 100kr. eller 200kr. dyrer for at få de gamle TUF funktioner.

Pristjek på pricerunner.dk

Test: Asus TUF B450M-PLUS Gaming
Innovation / Teknologi3
Bundle - Tilbehør3
Design - Layout4
Software - BIOS5

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UK summary

If I have to be completely honest I had expected more from the ASUS TUF series. This series was once the series you chose to get some extra features like dust covers, and the package used to be completely filled. That is sadly not what we see here. The motherboard most of all looks like a budget board, which the price also indicates, but here I would probably rather spend a bit more to get the old TUF features ASUS used to deliver with this brand. If we look outside the brand I do however believe that this motherboard would be fine in an every-day machine that will be reliable for many years.

Innovation/Technology - 3
With the newest budget chipset from AMD with the posibility of overclocking I believe the card does a fine job here. I have to admit I am missing the features the TUF brand stood for back in the day, but it doesn't look like you can get that, at least not with the B450 chipset.

Bundle/Accessories - 3
With only a minimum of accesories I don't think I can give the motherboard more than 3 here.

Design/Layout - 4
In general I really like the design ASUS has come up with. But I do miss the opportunity to cover off components for dust. Because the board got the name TUF I can't see it any other way, but if we look outside the brand it is still an okay board.
ASUS has also made a power supply that is quite fine for what the motherboard is targeted at.

Software/BIOS - 5
As always from ASUS we see a fantastic software package and BIOS.

Performance - 3
It is always hard to give points here, since there are so many factors that can change the performance. One of them was surely my CPU, which had a hard time running 3200MHz RAM speed, which we saw in SuperPI 1M. But in the light that it was hard to get extra performance out of the board, and it couldn't hold the CPU stable at 4.2GHz like the compared motherboards, I will give it 3.

Price - 4
The motherboard is cheap, which means you can oversee a lot of things. For 800kr. I believe that you get what you pay for, but I would have liked to see this board 100kr. or 200kr. more expensive while getting the old TUF features.