
Som altid fristes jeg til at sige, når jeg tester produkter fra Steelseries, så har det været en fornøjelse at teste Rival 650 Wireless. Lige fra man åbner pakken med sin Rival 650 Wireless, så mærker man at der er tænkt på kvalitet, både i indpakning og produkt. Musen er super præcis, komfortabel og holder strøm i lang tid, alt hvad man kan ønske sig fra en trådløs mus.
Bundle / Tilbehør - 4
Her er alt hvad man skal bruge for at komme igang, det eneste jeg gerne lige så i denne prisklasse, er lidt ekstra gøgl i pakken.
Design - 5
Jeg er vild med selve designet samt valget af materialer på musen.
Software - 4
Kan virke en smule overvældende i starten, men brug 5 minutter på det, og du vil hurtigt opdage hvor simpelt softwaren egentlig er bygget op.
Ydelse - 5
Super præcis og super komfort og lang batteri tid, samt kort opladningstid giver dem 5 her.
Pris - 4
Man får rigtig meget mus for pengene, knap 900 kr er dog stadigvæk en relativ stor udskrivning for en mus, derfor "kun" 4 her.
Test: SteelSeries Rival 650 wireless
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 88% |
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As I am always tempted to say, when I review products from Steelseries, it has been a delight to review the Rival 650 Wireless. Right from the unboxing of the Rival 650 Wireless, you can feel the thought of quality, that has been laid into both the packaging and the product itself. The mouse is super precise, comfortable to use and holds a charge for a long time, everything you could want from a wireless mouse.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
Here is everything you need to get going, the only thing I would like to see in this price-range, is a bit more exstras included in the bundle.
Design/Layout - 5
I am crazy with the design and the chosen materials on the mouse.
Software/BIOS - 4
The software can seem a bit overwhelming at first, but give it five minutes and you will find how easy-to-use the software really is.
Performance - 5
Super precise, comfortable to use, long battery-life and short charge time. I give it five points.
Price - 4
You get a lot of mouse for the money, but it is still relative pricey, so only four points.