Som før nævnt et ganske spændende kort fra MSI bygget på en ATI chip. Det har en række fordele og ulemper som afspejler sig i vurderingen. Jeg kan godt lide at kortet er kompatibelt med så meget software at man har rige muligheder for at anvende det man finder bedst. Dette giver også en langt bedre mulighed for at personliggøre sin HTPC-maskine.
Innovation / Teknologi - 4 point Kortet her fra MSI bygger på rigtig gode teknologier og er innovativt fordi det anvender sig af PCI express. Teknologien 3D Comb er anerkendt og eftertragtet blandt de bedre vidende. Desuden kan jeg godt lide at man har integreret en hardware MPEG encoder, jeg savner dog at MSI havde valgt en digital tuner til kortet.
Bundle / Tilbehør - 4 point Det er rent faktisk et helt kit. Sættet indeholder det samme som Media Center kittene fra Hauppauge. Det er desuden ting i ganske god kvalitet, der gemmer sig i kassen. Foruden er der software med til dette kort.
Design / Layout - 4 point Layoutet på kortet er mindre vigtigt, men ganske fint og slankt. Mere vigtig er fjernbetjeningen, der virker til at være bedre ergonomisk end Microsoft MCE remoten. Desuden har den de vigtige genvejstaster.
Softwaren syntes jeg dog ikke er designet så pænt og jeg mener at MSI har været mere heldige med hardwaren end softwaren.
Software / BIOS - 3 point PowerCinema 3 er ganske fint. Det virker fornuftigt og der er de ting man skal bruge for at kunne kalde sin maskine en HTPC og funktionaliteten fejler intet.
Ydelse - 3 point I betragtning af alle de fine features vs. prisen mener jeg at MSI kortet levere varen. Sammenlignet med et Hauppauge TV-kort der koster det dobbelte, yder MSI kortet stort set det samme - billedet er fint, men har en smule grums og formår sig bedre på mindre skærme.
Pris - 4 point 650,- må bestemt siges at være en okay pris for dette kort. Jeg sammenligner det med et Hauppauge TV-kort der koster næsten 1400,- og ydelsen er stort set den samme. Hauppauge har dog dual TV-tuner og hardware MPEG encoder.
Jeg syntes dog prisen for MSI kortet er ganske fornuftig taget i betragtning af at du også får software med.
UK Summary
As mentioned in the review, the ATI based MSI TV-card is a very exciting product. A number of pros and cons are presented in the evaluation of the different categories. I really appreciate the wide software compatibility; enabling the user to choose whatever software he is comfortable with. As well, this makes personalization of a HTPC easier.
Innovation / Technology - 4 points The MSI built TV-card offers a lot of state of the art technology. One innovative landmark is the PCI-express interface. The 3D Comb technology is coveted among enthusiasts, and the integrated hardware MPEG encoder is appreciated. A digital tuner would have granted MSI a top score.
Bundle - 4 points A complete kit is enclosed. The kit contains the same basic objects as found in a Media Center kit from Hauppauge. The general quality is excellent, and necessary software is included in the box.
Design / Layout - 4 points The layout is not of utmost importance, but note that it is slim and simple. Of greater importance is the remote control. It somehow has a nicer fit in ones hand than the Microsoft MCE remote. The most important shortcut buttons are present on the remote. I dislike the visual software design, and I find that MSI has had better success with the hardware than with the software.
Software / BIOS - 3 points PowerCinema 3 is an adequate solution. The functionality necessary for a HTPC is present and generally performs well.
Performance - 3 points Considering the nice features compared to the price, MSI delivers an excellent product. Comparing the MSI card with the Hauppauge TV-card at twice the cost, MSI performs pretty much the same. The image is at its best on a relatively small monitor though, and occasional less than perfect picture quality was experienced.
Price - 4 points A price of 650 DKK for this product is more than reasonable. I am comparing this to the 1400 DKK Hauppauge TV-card. Performance between the two is nearly identical. The Hauppauge does offer a dual TV-tuner as well as an MPEG encoder though. Noting the software included, ultimately this is just an excellent buy.
Test: MSI Theater 550 Pro
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 73% |
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