Gigabyte har leveret et fuldblods top bundkort til P55 som på alle måde har levet op til de forventninger som jeg havde. Samtidig har Gigabytes teknikere tydeligvis gjort et kæmpe arbejde ud af højne niveauet i forhold til forgængeren. SATA-III og USB3.0 er et stort skridt i sig selv, og når man så tager resten af 333 teknologien med ind, så kan der ikke være tvivl om at det er et klasse bundkort de har leveret. Det eneste minus er den lidt kluntede implementeringen af USB3.0 og SATA-III, men dette skyldes begrænsningerne i P55 chipsettet, og ikke Gigabytes løsning.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Med sin 333 combo er der ikke meget andet at gøre end at belønne Gigabyte med 5 point for et yderst innovativt produkt. USB 3.0 og den nye SATA standard er et stort skridt på vejen til hurtigere lagermedier. Samtidig syntes jeg det er praktisk med den ekstra power til USB portene, da man hellere vil have for mange Ma end for få.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 5
Bundlet leverer alt hvad man skulle få brug for. Både rent praktisk, men også information om produktet man har købt. Et lille 5 tal.
Design/Layout - 4
Jeg syntes personligt ret godt om farvevalget på Gigabytes bundkort, og dette er ingen undtagelse. Tingene er placeret både så de kan findes, men også så det fungerer rent praktisk.
Software/BIOS - 4
BIOSen fungere som den skal, og der er et hav af muligheder. Svagheden i denne BIOS er dog at indstillingerne i nogle tilfælde er placeret i mere end en undermenu, hvilket kan virke en smule rodet.
Ydelse - 4
Dette bundkort yder rigtigt godt ved standard hastigheden, og når man skrue op for hastigheden ved overclockning yder bundkortet ret utroligt. Enkelte tests lå desværre lidt lavere, så et stort 4 tal.
Pris - 2
Når der er tale om et highend enthusiast bundkort er man godt klar over at det bliver dyrt, men dette bundkort har så mange features at jeg vil tillade mig at give et stort 2 tal, på trods af den høje pris. Prisen er ca. 1700,- kr ifl edbpriser.dk
Test: Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD6
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 2 |
| |
Samlet | 80% |
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hereUK summary
Gigabyte has delivered a thoroughbred highend motherboard with P55, that in all ways lived up to the expectations I had before testing it. On top of that is it clear that, Gigabytes engineers have done a great work of raising the standard compared to its predecessor. SATA III and USB3.0 is a big step itself, and when you then put the rest of the 333 technology into the equation, there can be no doubt: This a superb motherboard. The only drawback is the slightly clumsy implementation of USB3.0 and SATA III, but this is due to limitations on the P55 chipset.
Innovation/Technology - 5
With its 333 combo there is not much else to do than to reward Gigabyte with 5 points for an extremely innovative product. USB 3.0 and the new SATA standard is a huge step towards faster storage media. At the same time I thinks it is practical with the extra power to USB ports, since I would rather have too many, than too few.
Bundle/Accessories - 5
The bundled delivers everything you would ever need for setting up this motherboard. Both the purely practical things, and the information on the product you have purchased. A small 5.
Design/Layout - 4
I personally felt pretty good about the color choice of Gigabytes motherboards, and this one is no exception. Things are positioned logical (making it easier to find), but also so that it works in practical terms.
Software/BIOS - 4
The BIOS function as it should, and there are a LOT of opportunities. The weakness in this BIOS is that the settings in some cases are located in more than one submenu, which may seem a bit confussing.
Performance - 4
This motherboard preforms very good at standard speed, and when you turn up the speed when overclock, the motherboard permform unbelievable well. Some tests were unfortunately a little lower that the other boards that we tested, so a large 4 points.
Price - 2
When talking about a high-end enthusiast motherboard you are all well aware that it will be expensive, but this motherboard has so many features, that I can justifi giving a big 2 points, despite the high price. The price is approx. 1700,- DKK according to edbpriser.dk