Test: iHome iA100

Tilbehør d.  13. januar. 2012, skrevet af TheisF 3 Kommentarer.  Vist: 14785 gange.

Korrekturlæser: rehan09
Billed behandling: svedel77
Oversættelse: rehan09

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 1599,00
Produkt udlånt af: iHome
DK distributør: n/a



  • Bluetooth wireless capability

    Wirelessly connect your Bluetooth-enabled phone, iPad, PDA or computer.


  • Bluetooth wireless audio profile (A2DP)

    Supports wireless audio for use with iPod touch, iPhone, iPad and other Bluetooth enabled devices

  • Bluetooth hands-free profile

    Supports speakerphone for use with iPod touch, iPhone, iPad and other Bluetooth enabled devices

Wake and Sleep

  • Wake or sleep to iPod, iPhone, iPad, custom playlist, alarm tones, or FM radio

    Start or end your day just the way you want it to sound


  • Universal pivoting dock to charge and play iPad, iPhone or iPod while docked

    Enjoy your music while keeping your iPod, iPhone or iPad fully charged

Studio Series

  • Bongiovi Acoustics Digital Power Station

    Real-time digital signal processing that extends audio bandwidth and adds missing harmonics without adding peak output to the signal. It effectively improves brightness, clarity and presence and delivers deeper, more resonant bass and crystal clear highs.

App Features

  • iOS App-enhanced device - Works with iHome Set

    Set and control device features, and update firmware when necessary, right from the touch-screen interface on iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch – a FREE download from the App Store.

  • iOS App-enhanced device - Works with iHome+Sleep

    See the iHome+Sleep Information Page to learn more about the alarm clock app from the experts on alarm clocks

  • iOS App-enhanced device - Works with iHome+Radio

    See the iHome+Radio Information Page to learn more about the internet radio app for sleeping and waking


  • Programmable snooze time

    Lets you sleep in a little or a lot with snooze time between 1 and 29 minutes

  • Gradual Wake and Gradual Sleep

    Gently increasing/decreasing alarm and sleep volumes ease waking and going to bed

  • 7.5.2 Dual Alarm to wake to iPod, iPhone, iPad, FM radio, or alarm tones

    2 independent alarms let you wake to any combination of iPod, iPhone, iPad, FM radio, or alarm tones with 7.5.2 alarm settings for full week, work week or weekend with separate wake times/ alarm sources to suit your lifestyle

Time Sync

  • Sync button

    Syncs clock time to always-current iPhone time settings in seconds

Sound Enhancement

  • Adjustable EQ - Bass, mid, treble, 3D and balance

    Bass, mid, treble, 3D and balance controls let you customize your sound

  • Reson8® speaker chambers

    Specially designed sealed speaker enclosures deliver astounding clarity, depth and power


  • 6 FM preset stations


  • Universal 100-240V AC adaptor

    Switching power supply works just about anywhere in the world to power your unit


  • Aux-in jack

    Listen to aux audio sources (e.g., computer, CD player)

  • Energy Star Certified
  • Backlit buttons


  • Remote Control Included


13-01-2012 14:13:06
Man smadrer den jo første gang med vil per automatisk slå ud after snooze i halv-søvne ^^ 🤡

13-01-2012 14:33:21
#1 Haha,
Det oplevede jeg dog ikke under test perioden, Dog kunne det være en god ting at have med til holdbarhed. Det vil jeg tage med næste gang 😛 😛

15-01-2012 15:29:15
Jeg har også prøvet den et par dage. 😕

Der er mange funktioner, men ingen jeg synes der er brug for. Jeg har jo det hele i iPhone allerede, ikk?

Det den burde kunne er at lyde godt og der falder iHome iA100 helt igennem.
Den eneste af de "små" docks der har en ordentlig lyd er Tangent Dock.

Prøv selv en A-B test...
