
Efter 5 timer i testbænken er jeg desværre ikke blevet overbevist af HD 7850. Bevares, kortet er i de fleste tests hurtigere end GTX-560 Ti, og specielt ved meget tungt arbejde i eksempelvis Heaven DirectX 11, klarer kortet sig markant bedre end sin rival. Men oftest er det ikke mange procent der deler de 2 kort, og jeg ser ingen grund til, at Nvidias modsvar til dette kort ikke bliver hurtigere. GTX-560 Ti og HD 7850 kommer ifølge AMD, til at ligge i samme priskatagori (DKR 1600,- red.) men indtil Kepler ankommer senere på aret, er HD 7850 det bedste valg i denne priskatagori.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
HD 7870 er det nyeste på markedet med 28nm produktionsteknologi og AMDs sprit nye Core Next arkitektur. Ligeledes gør 2GB RAM, at kortet ikke løber tør for hukommelse selv i de større opløsninger. Derudover har den nye arkitektur plads til overlocking.
Bundle/Tilbehør - N/A
Kortet er et testeksemplar fra AMD og disse kommer ikke med bundle.
Design/Layout - 4
Kortet ligner resten af 7000-serien med blankt plastik og rød farve. Køleren har ingen problemer med at køle HD 7850 chippen, og formår at holde chippen kold uden at larme. Ved overclock støjede køleren en smule, men ikke nok til at jeg vil anbefale at købe en anden model. Det skal nok noteres, at HD 7850 ifølge AMDs pressemateriale ikke kommer med denne køler, men den gør et godt arbejde og til en almindelig bruger, ville dette være en super løsning.
Software/BIOS - 3
Kortet benytter AMD's standard drivere, som fungerer ganske fortrinligt og derfor modtager 3 points.
Ydelse - 3
HD 7850 stiller ikke til start med overvælende mere power end eksempelvis GTX-560 Ti, og kortet efterlader mig en smule skuffet. Ja der er masser af power specielt i DirectX 11 ved høj opløsning, men i de fleste tests er forskellen meget lille og jeg tror personligt, at Nvidias modspil i denne katagori bliver hurtigere.
Pris - 3
Ifølge AMD lander prisen på DKR 1600,- og dette er igen højere end 6000-seriens HD 6850. Kortet er uden tivil det bedste køb i den priskategori, men personligt vil jeg vente og se, hvad Nvidia har klar til os.
UK summary

After 5 hours in the test bench, I am not quite convinced by HD the 7850. Yes the card is in most tests faster than GTX-560 Ti, and especially during very heavy work like Heaven DirectX 11, the card is significantly better than its rival. But mostly it’s not much that divides the 2 cards, and I see no reason why Nvidia's response to this card will not be faster. GTX-560 Ti and HD 7850 will according to AMD, be in the same price category (DKK 1600,- red.) and until Kepler arrives later this year, the HD 7850 is the best choice in this price category.
Innovation / Technology - 5
HD 7870 is the newest card on the market with 28nm production technology and AMD's brand new Core Next architecture. With 2GB of RAM, the card will not run out of memory even in high resolutions. Additionally, the new architecture have lots of space for overclocking.
Bundle / Accessories - N / A
The card is a test sample from AMD and these don’t come with a bundle.
Design / Layout - 4
The card looks like the rest of the 7000-series with shiny plastic and red colors.The cooler has no problem cooling the HD 7850 chip, and manages to keep the chip cool without making noise. During overclock the cooler made a bit of noise, but not enough that I would recommend buying a different model. It should probably be noted, that according to AMD's press material, HD 7850 will not come with this cooler, but it does a good job and for the regular user, and this would be a great solution in that environment.
Software / BIOS - 3
The card uses AMD's standard drivers, which work well and therefore receives 3 points.
Performance - 3
HD 7850 does not sport overwhelmingly more power than, GTX-560 Ti, and the card leaves me a bit disappointed. Yes there is plenty of power especially in DirectX 11 at high resolution, but in most tests, the difference is small and I personally believe that Nvidia's opponent in this category will be faster. Only time will tell.
Price - 3
According to AMD the price will land on DKK 1600,- and this is once again higher than the 6000-series HD 6850. The card is no doubt the best buy in this price category, but personally I would wait and see what Nvidia has to offer later this year.
Test: AMD Radeon HD 7850
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 72% |
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