Kortet her er helt klart henvendt til spillefuglen med et meget bedre onboard netkort og lydkort, samt muligheden for at smide hele 4 grafikkort i systemet. Men det er ikke kun til spillefuglen, men også til overclockeren, der er lavet funktioner til. Der er blevet mulighed for at måle præcise spændinger. Man får altså hele pakken i et enkelt super bundkort.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Z77 chipset, E2200 netkort, dedikeret Creative lydkort, Ultra Durable 4, plads til mSATA SSD, PCIe 3.0, Wifi/Bluetooth, masser af SATA og USB porte og mulighed for at måle præcise spændinger, alt sammen pakket ned på et enkelt bundkort. Jeg giver kortet et stort 5 tal her.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 5
Med et eksternt Wifi/Bluetooth modul, nok SATA kabler, nok SLi/CrossFire broer og merchandise kan jeg ikke andet end at give kortet her 5.
Design/Layout - 4
Det kan godt være en smule svært at placere kortet i et segment, da der er mange ting til spilleren, men også nogle til overclockeren. Ser man kortet fra en spillers vinkel, er kortet utrolig godt layout mæssigt. Der er mulighed for et ganske fint RAID med SSD harddiske, der giver mindre load tider, og med mulighed for 4 grafikkort skulle der være plads nok til selv det vildeste spil på højeste grafik. Ser man kortet fra en overclockers vinkel giver det hele dog ikke mening. Jeg synes nemlig, at der er alt for mange og tæt pakket kondensatorer omkring CPU soklen, der kan gøre det rigtig træls at isolere, hvis der skal arbejdes ved minus grader. Jeg giver 4 på grund af dette.
Software/BIOS - 4
Gigabyte har fået gjort hastigheden på deres UEFI BIOS en del hurtigere, men der mangler stadig en smule finpudsning. Generelt ser den flot ud, og Easy Tune 6 synes jeg, fungerer rigtig godt. Samlet set indbringer dette et 4 tal.
Ydelse - 5
Ved standard hastighed ligger Sniper kortet her øverst i alle tests. Det halter en smule, når der kommer fart på CPU'en, men det er aldrig garanteret, at man får noget ud af et overclock, så dette ser jeg igennem fingre med, og giver kortet her 5 for en fantastisk præstation ved standard hastighed.
Pris - 4
Vil man have noget af det bedste, må man også betale for det. Prisen på ca. 2500,- kr. er ikke slem, når man ikke skal ud og have fat i et bedre lydkort eller netkort. Et Wifi/Bluetooth modul følger også med. Man er faktisk klar til at spille, som profferne gør det, alene med bundkortet her og derfor det skal kortet have 4.
UK summary
This motherboard is aimed for gamers with a much better onboard internet-connection and soundcard and furthermore the option of using 4 graphics card in the system. It is not only made for the gamer, but also the overclocker, which there is a lot of features for. The overclocker has the opportunity to measure exact voltages. This is a perfect motherboard.
Innovation/Technology - 5
Z77 chipset, E2200 net card, dedicated Creative soundcard, Ultra Durable 4, option for mSATA SSD, PCIe 3.0, Wifi/Bluetooth, lots of SATA og USB connectors and the opportunity to measure exact voltages, all in one motherboard package. This will give a nice figure 5.
Bundle/Accessories - 5
With an external Wifi/Bluetooth module, a lot SATA cables, many SLI/CrossFIre connectors and merchandise I can only gives this card a figure 5.
Design/Layout - 4
Design is always hard to place in a specific group. There is a lot of thing for the gamer, but also good features for the overclocker. If you look at the motherboard with a gamers vision, this might be one of the best motherboards. There is options for RAID with SSD's, which gives fast loading and the option for 4 graphics card should give the gamer the option for playing the games with ultra graphics. If you look at the motherboard with a overclockers vision you would not get the same result. I think that there is way to many and compact condensators close to the CPU socket, which makes it hard to isolate, hvis you want to work in minus degrees. I will give the figure 4.
Software/BIOS - 4
Gigabyte has updated the speed in their UEFI BIOS, but they still need to work just a tiny bit with it. In general it looks nice and Easy Tune 6 works really well. Overall a figure 4.
Performance - 5
With default settings on the Sniper card wins every single test. When it comes to overclocking, it is not always the top, but you are never sure that you actually gonna get something out of an overclock. I will give it a figure 5 because of the impressive performance with the default settings.
Price - 4
If you want the best, you have to pay for it. The price is 2500 DKK, which is actually not that bad. In that price you get an amazing motherboard plus an upgraded sound card, net card and WIFI/Bluetooth module. With this motherboard you will be just like the pro's. I will give it a figure 4.
Test: Gigabyte G1. Sniper 3
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 90% |
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