Specifikationer - Software:

Her, i softwaredelen, er der virkeligt noget at arbejde med. QNAPs "styresystem", QTS 4.0 - har utallige muligheder for udnyttelse af denne stærke NAS.
QNAPs nye "styresystem" / brugerflade QTS 4.0 virker tiltalende ved første møde. Det var et tiltrængt ansigtsløft, som nu har bragt QNAP op på siden af konkurrenter, som Synology og Thecus - jeg vil endda tillade mig at skrive "lidt foran dem" på nogle områder. Allerede knapt 14 dage efter den første udgivelse af QTS 4.0, kom den første opdatering med ekstra faciliteter. Herunder er login-siden vist, samt skrivebordet med de nye ikoner:

Jeg har gennem mine test af QNAP været igennem de fleste muligheder i softwaren og det virker bare. Jeg har ikke oplevet nogen svagheder i softwaren. Ikke at der "garanteret ikke er fejl" - jeg har blot ikke mødt dem, så ros igen til produktet.
Herunder er vist de forskellige muligheder i softwaren samt brugerfladen med dette nyere design. Der er simpelthen så mange muligheder, at det virker ubegrænset for, hvad man kan benytte sådan en NAS til. Jeg har f.eks. en ven, som er Fotograf og sidst i 60'erne aldersmæssigt. Han skulle bruge en simpel mulighed til at dele/sende hans arbejde til kunderne på en enkel måde. Jeg har så sat sådan en NAS op til ham, som ligner denne. Han lægger sine billeder ind i en mappe i sin "Filestation" på NAS'en. Man kopierer linket til sin mappe, som NAS'en automatisk tildeler linket til - sender linket til kunden på mail, hvorefter kunden klikker på linket i mailen, som han har modtaget. Kunden indtaster et brugernavn og en adgangskode (som man ønsker det og angiver i mailen) - og downloader sine billeder. Enkelt - men blot en af de utallige muligheder for hvermand til at gøre tilværelsen lettere med en NAS.

Jeg har vel næsten ikke nødig at skrive dette: jeg er vild med denne nye software fra QNAP. Alt er blevet bedre og mere intuitivt korrekt. Man kører pr. automatik igennem de forskellige punkter i softwaren - og man føler sig hjemme umiddelbart. Stor ros til QNAP for deres arbejde og deres endelige produkt her.
I stedet for at jeg fylder denne artikel med skærmskud til alle mulighederne, så er her et link til QNAPs hjemmeside. Her kan du klikke på de ikoner, som du har interesse i - og se hvilke muligheder, som du får givet:http://www.qnap.com/i/useng/qts4/?hf=old
Herunder ses de to ting, som jeg er meget facineret af: Photostation og Musicstation. Photostation har sågar exif-data (billedets data). Det har flere andre fabrikanter også på deres NAS'er, men jeg kan godt lide udformningen her hos QNAP. Mulighederne er igen utallige, både med billeder og musik, deling af det hele og mange mange flere muligheder.

Én af QNAPs rigtigt spændende nyheder er "Qsync". Et program, som synkroniserer dine filer imellem dine enheder og NAS'en. Det vil sige, at du f.eks. kan synkronisere dine mail-programmer så som Outlook med flere, hvor du har dine mails på din PC, smartphone m.m. Du opbevarer dit "mail-lager", evt. .PST fil e.l. i en bestemt mappe, som du så peger på vedrørende synkronisering, så kan du udnytte synkroniseringen, så din kollega og dig har opdaterede kalendere og mails, bare som eksempel. Dette gælder alle filer, som er i synkroniseringsmappen - også dokumenter, billeder osv. Selvfølgelig har man kunnet tilkøbe programmer, som gør det samme, men her er det integreret i din QNAP - og ganske gratis.
Herunder er Qsync illustreret mht. download og opsætning, lettere kan det ikke blive at sætte sådan et program op:

Det er så enkelt at installere, enkelt at pege på mappen, alle kan deltage her. QNAP har virkelig fundet en masse spændende faciliteter frem med deres nyere software. De har også arbejdet på denne software i flere år, og børnesygdomme / begynderfejl har jeg ikke kunnet finde endnu, mon der ér nogle fejl? Det hele virker gennemtænkt med en pragtfuld og intuitiv korrekt brugerflade.
Eftersom den også kan afspille dine medier, så som billeder, musik, videoer mm. på bl.a. dit HD-TV, så er her en længere liste med de muligheder, som QNAP tilbyder:
Operating System
•Embedded Linux
Supported Clients
•Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32/64-bit), Windows 8 (32/64-bit), Windows Server 2003/2008 R2/2012
•Apple Mac OS X
•Linux & UNIX
Supported Browsers
•Microsoft Internet Explorer 10
•Mozilla Firefox 8+
•Apple Safari 4+
•Google Chrome
Multilingual Support
•Chinese (Traditional & Simpli?ed), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish
File System
•Internal Hard Drive: EXT3, EXT4
•External Hard Drive: EXT3, EXT4, NTFS, FAT32, HFS+
•TCP/IP (IPv4 & IPv6: Dual Stack)
•Dual Gigabit NICs with Jumbo Frame
?Multi-IP Settings
?Port Trunking/NIC Teaming
•Service Binding Based on Network Interfaces
•Proxy Client, Proxy Server
•DHCP Client, DHCP Server
•Protocols: CIFS/SMB, AFP (v3.3), NFS(v3), FTP, FTPS, SFTP, TFTP, HTTP(S), Telnet, SSH, iSCSI, SNMP, SMTP, and SMSC
•UPnP & Bonjour Discovery
•USB Wi-Fi Adapter Support
•Network Access Protection with Auto-blocking: SSH, Telnet, HTTP(S), FTP, CIFS/SMB, AFP
•CIFS Host Access Control for Shared Folders
•FIPS 140-2 Validated AES 256-bit Volume- based Data Encryption*
•AES 256-bit External Drive Encryption*
•Importable SSL Certi?cate
•Instant Alert via E-mail, SMS, Beep, and LCD Panel*
Disk Management
•Single Disk, JBOD, RAID 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 5 + Hot Spare
•Online RAID Capacity Expansion and Online RAID Level Migration
•Bad Block Scan and Hard Drive S.M.A.R.T.
•Bad Block Recovery
•RAID Recovery
•Bitmap Support
Power Management
•Wake on LAN
•Internal Hard Drive Standby Mode
•Scheduled Power on/off
•Automatic Power on after Power Recovery
•USB and Network UPS Support with SNMP Management
Access Right Management
•Batch Users Creation
•Import/Export Users
•User Quota Management
•Local User Access Control for CIFS, AFP, FTP, and WebDAV,
•Application Access Control for Photo Station, Music Station, Video Station, and Multimedia Station
•Subfolder Permissions Support for CIFS/SMB, AFP, FTP, and File Station
Domain Authentication Integration
•Microsoft Active Directory (AD)
•LDAP Server, LDAP Client
•Domain Users Login via CIFS/SMB, AFP, FTP, and File Station
myQNAPcloud Service
•Private Cloud Storage and Sharing
•Free Host Name Registration (DDNS)
•Auto Router Con?guration (via UPnP)
•CloudLink for Remote Access without Complicated Router Setup
•myQNAPcloud Connect for Easy VPN Connection (Windows VPN Utility)
•Syncs Files among Multiple Devices through the NAS
•Option for Not Removing Files on the NAS during Synchronization
•Selective Synchronization
•Shares Securely with SSL
•Team Folder
•Shares Files by Links via E-mail
•Uploads Photos or Videos to Qsync Folder Automatically via Q?le
•Restores Files from Network Recycle Bin
•File Name Con?ict Policy
•Option for Filter Settings
•Privilege Control for Qsync Users
•Supports Windows & Mac OS
Web Administration
•Multi-window, Multi-tasking based System Management
•Movable Icons and Personalized Desktop
•Smart Toolbar and Dashboard for Neat Display on System Status
•Smart Fan Control
•Dynamic DNS (DDNS)
•SNMP (v2 & v3)
•Resource Monitor
•Network Recycle Bin for File Deletion via CIFS/SMB and AFP
- Automatic Cleanup
- File Type Filter
•Comprehensive Logs (Events & Connection)
•Syslog Client/Server
•Firmware Live Update
•System Settings Backup and Restore
•Restore to Factory Default
•Mobile App Qmanager for Remote Monitoring
File Server
•File Sharing across Windows, Mac, and Linux/UNIX
•Windows ACL
•Advanced Folder Permission for CIFS/SMB, AFP, FTP
•Shared Folder Aggregation (CIFS/SMB)
FTP Server
•FTP over SSL/TLS (Explicit)
•FXP Supported
•Passive FTP Port Range Control
File Station
•Supports ISO Mounting (Up to 256 ISO Files)
•Creates and Sends Download Links for Sharing Public Files with Expiration Time and Password Protection
•Drag-n-drop Files via Chrome and Firefox Browsers
•Photo, Music, and Video Preview and Playback Empowered by Built-in Transcoding Technology
•File Compression (ZIP or 7z)
•Mobile App: Q?le for File Browsing and Management
Backup Station
•Remote Replication Server (over Rsync)
•Real-time Remote Replication (RTRR) to another QNAP NAS or FTP Server
•Works as Both RTRR Server & Client with Bandwidth Control
•Real-time & Scheduled Backup
•Encryption, Compression, File Filter, and Transfer Rate Limitation
•Encrypted Replication between QNAP NAS Servers
•Desktop Backup by QNAP NetBak Replicator for Windows
•Apple Time Machine Support with Backup Management
•Data Backup to Multiple External Storage Devices
•Synchronizes with Cloud Storage: Amazon S3, ElephantDrive, Symform, Dropbox, and Google Drive
•Third Party Backup Software Support: Veeam Backup & Replication, Acronis True Image, ARCserve Backup, EMC Retrospect, Symantec Backup Exec, etc.
Print Server
•Max No. of Printers: 3
•Supports Internet Printing Protocol
•Print Job Display and Management
•IP-based and Domain Name-based Privilege Control
Storage Plug & Connect
•Creates and Maps Shared Folders by QNAP Windows Q?nder
•Creates and Connects to iSCSI Target/LUN
•iSCSI Target with Multi-LUNs per Target (Up to 256 Targets/LUNs Combined)
•Supports LUN Mapping & Masking
•Online LUN Capacity Expansion
•Supports SPC-3 Persistent Reservation
•Supports MPIO & MC/S
•iSCSI LUN Backup, One-time Snapshot, and Restore
•iSCSI Connection and Management by QNAP Finder (Windows)
•Virtual Disk Drive (via iSCSI Initiator)
?Stack Chaining Master
?Max No. of Virtual Disk Drives: 8
Server Virtualization & Clustering
•VMware vSphere (ESX/ESXi 4.x, 5.x)
•VMware VAAI for iSCSI and VAAI for NAS
•vSphere Plug-in
•Citrix XenServer (6.0)
•Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V
•Supports Microsoft ODX
•QNAP SMI-S Provider for Microsoft SCVMM
•Windows Server 2012 Failover Clustering
VPN Server
•Secure Remote Access: PPTP & OpenVPN VPN services
•Max No. of Clients: 30
Surveillance Station Pro
•Supports over 1,400 IP Cameras
•Includes 1 Free Camera License
•Up to 16 Camera Channels via Additional License Purchase
•Intelligent Video Analytics (IVA) for Advanced Video Search
•Visual Aid by E-map
•Surveillance Client for Mac
•Mobile App: VMobile (iOS and Android)
Photo Station
•Organizes Photos in Timeline Automatically
•Tags Photos by Text, Color, and Rating for Quick Search
•Slideshows with Background Music and Different Transition Effects
•Animated Thumbnails for Videos
•Geotags Photos with Google Maps
•Shares Slideshows and Photo through Email, URL, or Social Websites
Music Station
•Plays or Shares Music Collections with Web Browser
•Automatic Classi?cation via Media Library
•Internet Radio (MP3)
•Up to 8 Music Alarms
iTunes Server
•Audio and Video Sharing for Windows & Mac iTunes
Video Station
•Web Video Sharing
•Video Categorization and Transcoding
•Publish Videos to Facebook, Twitter, and Google+
DLNA Server
•Supports DLNA/UPnP TVs and Players such as PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360
•Streams Videos, Photos and Music from NAS to Apple TV via Q?le or QAirplay's Web-based Controller
Digital TV Station
•DVB-T Digital TV Live View, Recording, and Playback
•Supports up to 2 USB TV Tuners
•Electronic Programming Guide (EPG) with Scheduled Recording
Note: The availability of DVB-T broadcasting and EPG may vary depending on geographic locations.
Download Station
•PC-less BT, FTP, and HTTP Download (up to 500 Tasks)
•BT Download with Magnet Link and PT Support
•Scheduled Download and Bandwidth Control
•RSS Subscription and Download (Broadcatching)
•Bulk Download with Wildcard Settings
•RapidShare Download Support
•Website Subscription Service: YouTube, Vemeo, niconico
•QNAP Download Management Software: QGet
- For Both Windows & Mac OS
- Manage the Download Tasks of Multiple QNAP NAS Remotely over LAN or WAN
HD Station
•Playbacks Videos, Music, Photos on TV with XBMC via HDMI Output
•Watch Various Online Contents Such as YouTube, Flickr, Picasa, Shoutcast, etc.
•Web Browser
•Supports USB U.S. Keyboards and Mice
•Supports QNAP Qremote App and the Official XBMC Remote App
1.The playback and quality of some video ?les may be affected due to the current CPU and GPU's decoding capability.
2.Up to 5.1 channel audio passthrough can be supported
APP Center
•Adds New Features by Online Installation of over 90 Of?cial and Community Software Add-ons
* The data encryption functions may not available in accordance with the legislative restrictions of some countries.
Design and speci?cations are subject to change without notice.
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