
Jeg har været yderst tilfreds med BullGuard Internet Security 8.0. Programmet har vist at der er andre spillere på banen end Kaspersky, Symantec og Nod32. Prisen på Internet Security 8.0 er med 499 kr. for et års abonnement, og licens til 3 PC'er yders acceptabel. Til sammenligning koster Kaspersky 7.0, 350 kr. for et år med licens til 1 computer, og 480 kr. for Symantec der også kun gælder en computer.
Det har været en fornøjelse at arbejde med BullGuards support, og jeg håber bestemt at fremtiden indenfor fjernsupport ser ud som den gør for BullGuard lige pt. Desuden er programmet let at bruge, og grafisk flot udformet uden at være prangende.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Der er intet nyt ved Antivirus delen, og der findes da også mange andre alternativer. Men den virkelige styrke ved Internet Security 8.0 ligger i alle de ting som ingen andre har med. For det første er det en fuld løsning for at sikre computeren. Dvs. at der både medfølger Antivirus, Antispyware, Firewall, Spamfilter og Online Backup. Desuden er BullGuard den første producent jeg har set der har sat chat-support direkte ind i selve programmet.
Bundle/Tilbehør - N/A
Bundle kan man egentligt ikke sige da det jo "bare" er et stykke software. Dog er det værd at nævne at der medfølger en manual til programmet, samt et lille hæfte om internetsikkerhed.
Design/Layout - 4
Som jeg sagde før; Flot design, uden at være prangende. BullGuard holder den flotte røde og hvide farve hele vejen igennem hvilket gør designet utroligt stilrent. De forskellige funktioner er lette og bruge for alle da der er en lille forklaring til hver funktion inde i selve programmet.
Software/BIOS - N/A
Da programmet kun er software undlader jeg denne kategori.
Ydelse - 4
Ydelse er en svær ting at bestemme. Jeg har valgt at ydelse er tilgængelighed, systemforbrug og pålidelighed. BullGuard Internet Security er let at bruge, og er et godt program der er lige til at gå til. Programmet bruger ikke så mange systemressourcer som vi ser mange andre Antivirusprogrammer gør. Både under virus scanning og når programmet bare køre passivt i baggrunden bruger det en del mindre ressourcer end f.eks. Kaspersky 7.0. Dette er bestemt et plus da det tillader at man laver andet på maskinen imens den bliver scannet. Pålidelighed er en svær ting at bedømme. Men indtil videre har programmet klaret alt hvad jeg har kastet imod det af viruser, spam og malware. Dog er jeg lidt skuffet over at firewall'en ikke er kommet til at virke, men jeg har en mistanke om at det har noget med mit hardware setup eller lign. at gøre.
Pris - 4
499 kr. for et fuldt Internet Security program der endda kan installeres på 3 computere i optil 1 år er bestemt ikke meget. Dog koster alternativer som f.eks. Nod32 kun 280 kr. for et år, og det er endda kun antivirus. Et andet program med en fuld sikkerhedsløsning til internettet er Norton 360. Dette program koster 640 kr. uden levering for 3 lisenser der er gyldige i 1 år. Alt i alt er BullGuard Internet Security 8.0 et godt program med en god ydelse til en god pris.
UK summary
I have been more than satisfied with BullGuard Internet Security 8.0. The program has shown that there are other players on the pitch than Kaspersky, Symantec and Nod32. The price on Internet Security 8.0 is 499 DKK for one year with the license til install the program on upto 3 computeres, and thats quite a good price for what you get. If we compare prices, then Kaspersky 7.0 costs 350 DKK for 1 year with license to install the program on only 1 computer, and Symantec costs 480 DKK for one year, and thats also only on 1 computer
It has been a pleasure to work with BullGuards support, and i most surtently hope that the future of online supporting is going to look like the BullGuard got going here. Further more, the program is easy to use, and it look nice when we look at the graphic.
Innovation/Technology - 4
There is nothing new about the Antivirus part, and there is a lot of other alternatives on the market. But the real strength about BullGuard Internet Security 8.0 is at all the stuff and functions that follows, that none of the competitors doesn't have. First off all, it's a full Internet protection solution, that means that the following things are included: Antivirus, Antispyware, Firewall, Spamfilter and Online Backup. Forthermore, Bullguard is the first Antivirus producer i have seen that has incluted direct chat support into the program.
Bundle/Accessories - N/A
Since this program is software only, we can't really call it a bundle. But it's worth mentioning that the DVD-case comes with a user guide and a small brochure that contains information about internet security
Design/Layout - 4
The design is nice looking, and BullGuard has decited to keep the program in 2 main colors, red and white. This gives the design a clean look that the eyes doesn't get tiered of looking uppon. The different functions are easy to use, and there is a little guide under every functiontab that describes what kind of "dirt" the selected function can remove.
Software/BIOS - N/A
Since the program is software only, I have decited to skip this catagory.
Performance - 4
Performance is a hard thing to decide what is. I have chosen that performance is accessibility, how much systempower the program takes, and how trustworthy the program is. BullGuard Internet Security is easy to use, and the program is easy to start with for new computer users. The program doesn't use a lot of system ressources as we see some other programs do, like Eg. Kaspersky 7.0. This is deffently a huge advantage, becaus it allows the user to use the computer while the program is scanning for Viruses and other types of infections. How trustworthy the program is, is hard do say. Untill now the program has detected every virus, malware and peace of spam i have trown at it. But i am a little desapointed that the firewall doesn't wotk, but i have a suspicion that is has something to do with my hardware configiration.
Price - 4
499 DKK for a full Internet protection program that can be installed on upto 3 computers arn't that much. Alternatives like NOD32 costs 280 DKK for one year, but that program can only be installed on one computer at a time, and it's only antivirus. If we take a look at another full internet security solution, then Norton 360 is worth mentioning. Norton 360 that also comes with 3 licenses to 3 computers, costs 460 DKK. for one year, and the price is without delivery. To conclude on this: BullGuard Internet Security is a nice solution to a nice price if you need a good all-around package.
Test: Bullguard Internet Security 8.0 *Opdateret*
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 80% |
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