600FSB stod der på kassen, og 600FSB var hvad vi fik. Biostar har overhalet konkurrenterne inden om med dette mesterlige OC-bundkort, der ud over at være toppen af poppen i sin klasse, også formår at indtage førstepladsen når det kommer til prisen. For hvad kan man forlange for det måske bedste OC-bundkort på markedet pt.? 2000kr? 2500kr? Næh, Biostar Tpower I45 kan erhverves for små et tusinde kroner. Det må være opskriften på en sikker sællert.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
P45 chipsættet er det nyeste fra Intel lige nu, og parret med en opfindsom køleløsning giver det 600FSB. Det var måske lige kort nok, men sagen er den, at selv om den thermiske tape ikke havde ordenlig fat mellem de to kølere, så nåede vi alligevel de høje tal. Vi kommer altså ikke uden om et flot 5-tal, alene pga. ydelsen, der måske endda kan forbedres hvis man ellers har mod på at lappe "hullet" mellem de to kølere.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Der er de nødvendige kabler, CD'ere osv. med. Alligevel giver vi et extra point for køle-løsningen, der jo er helt og aldeles valgfri.
Design/Layout - 4
Kortet er holdt i et forholdsvist stil-rent design. Sort PCB går man aldrig galt i byen med. Den passive køling er udført i exoleret alu, og så er det nemt at tænde, slukke og genstarte på de små oplyste knapper. Idéen med at bruge fejlsøgnings displayet som CPU-temperaturviser er genial. Det høster tilsammen et fint 4-tal.
Software/BIOS - 5
Biostar har tænkt sig om, og samlet BIOS-opdatering, blæserstyring og overclocking i et simpelt program. BIOS'en byder på utallige indstillingsmuligheder, og havde det været foruden, så havde vi heller aldrig nået det flotte overclock. Vi gi'r 5 points.
Ydelse - 5
600FSB siger det hele. Et bundsolidt 5-tal.
Pris - 5
Biostar Tpower I45 kan endnu ikke købes i Danmark, men vi fandt det i Tykland for mellem kr. 865,- og kr. 917,- Vi forestiller os derfor ikke en pris på over kr. 1000,- når det lander i Danmark, og det gør kortet stort set umuligt at komme udenom, hvis man har planer om at overclocke.

Test: Biostar I45 Tpower
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 5 |
| |
Samlet | 93% |
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hereUK summary
It said 600FSB on the box, and 600FSB is what we got. Biostar has really put a thorn in the side of it's competitors with this champion of an OC-motherboard, which, besides being masterfull, is also quite the compettitor when it comes to the price. Because what would be a fair price, for what seems to be the best OC-motherboard om the market right now? 2000DKK? 2500DKK? No! Biostar Tpower I45 is available for just under one thousand DKK. That has to be the recipe of a true best-seller.
Innovation/Technology - 5
The P45 chipset is as new as it get's right now, and paired with an inventive cooling solution it gives you 600FSB. That might be short said, but fact is, that even though the thermal-tape didn't respond properly between the two coolers, we did in fact reach the high numbers. Therefore we can't get around 5 points here, solely based on the performance, which might even be improved, if you have the courage to lap the gap between the coolers.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
All the neccesary cables, CD's etc. was to be found in the bundle, but we have to give an extra point for the optional cooling. 4 points.
Design/Layout - 4
The motherboard is kept in a somewhat clean design. You can't really go wrong with black PCB. All the pasive cooling is pure copper, and it's really easy to turn on, shut down and restart the system with the nifty little buttons. The idea that the malfuction-display doubles as a CPU temp. reader is brilliant. All this together releases 4 points.
Software/BIOS - 5
Biostar has been rational, and put together BIOS-update, fancontrol and overclocking in one piece of software. The BIOS sports an incredible number of tweaking-options, and without theese, we would have never exceeded 500FSB. We give it 5 points.
Performance - 5
600FSB say's it all. A rock solid 5 points.
Price - 5
Biostar Tpower I45 is not yet available in Denmark, but we did manage to find it in Germany for a price between DKK 865,- and DKK 917,- Therefore we can't imagine a price over DKK 1000,- when it hits the streets of Denmark, and this makes the card virtually impossible to get around, if you have plans of overclocking.