
Så er vi nået til konklusionen, og man må sige at AMD's optimering af den gamle arkitektur, har været en succes. Det er lykkedes AMD at lave en chip, der er næsten ligeså hurtig som 5870, men tilgengæld udvikler mindre varme og er mindre, hvilket i sidste ende betyder, at den er billigere at producere og dette gør at AMD har sat prisen ned. Dette er måske ikke det nye high performance kort, men med en pris på DKR 17-1800 (for den normale version) kan der ikke være tivil om, at vi har en ny bestseller her. Lille note til AMD giv nu jeres grafikkort nogle logiske navne, dette kort skulle have heddet HD 6860.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Den nye chip er ikke nogen ydelsesmessig revolution, men den leverer næsten ligeså meget power som 5870, selvom den er 25% mindre og har langt færre stream processorer og teksturenheder. Der kan kun gives 5 point, fordi dette må da siges at være innovation. Jeg tror der er mere potentiale i denne arkitektur, og 6900 serien er lige rundt om hjørnet.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der medfølger alle de ting man nu kunne få brug for under installation af kortet, samt en DVI til VGA adapter og en crossfirebro. Dette er standard for grafikkort og siden der ikke er andet guf i kassen lander vi på en 3'er.
Design/Layout - 4
AMD har tilsyneladende ikke haft lyst til at designe en ny køler til 6000 serien, derfor har de fundet den gamle køler fra 5870 i rodekassen og smidt den på hvilket har fungeret helt fint.
Software/BIOS - 4
At give points til softwaren føles efterhånden lidt dumt, alle driverne om man kigger på Nvidia eller AMD fungere uden glitches eller chrashes, men perfekte er de heller ikke. Hos AMD har jeg 3 klager opstartstiden som kan være lidt sløv, overdrive som godt kunne have nogle flere funktioner og ingen begrænsing, samt at jeg finder den uoverskuelig.
Ydelse - 4
Jeg har valgt at bedømme kortet på hvor meget ydelse man får man pengene, og der er ingen tvivl om at små DKR 1900,- er en god pris. Desværre har jeg ikke testet Nvidias modspil GTX 470, men pris og performancemæssigt ligger disse kort rigtig tæt, HD 6870 er dog billigere så vi ender på 4.
Pris - 4
Nu fik jeg godt nok nævnt priser ovenover, men kortet koster DKR 1900,- hvilket er DKR 200-250,- mere end standard modellen. Nu har jeg godt nok ikke testet den model med standard clocks, men jeg vil påstå at den er et bedre køb. Vi lander dog alligevel på en 4.
Test: HIS Radeon HD 6870
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 80% |
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Now we have reached the conclusion and I have to say that the optimization of the AMD's architecture has been a success. AMD has succeded in making a chip that is almost as fast as the AMD 5870, but throws off a much less heat and the the architecture is much smaller, which determines the costs in making the chip, and finally the price of the end-user product. We are not dealing with a high performance graphicscard, but with a pricetag of DKK 17-1800,- (the normal version) we definately got a bestseller here. A sidenote to AMD; please name your cards with a bit more logic, the AMD 6870 should be named AMD 6860.
Innovation/Technology - 5
The new chip is not a performance revolution but it delivers almost the same performance as the ATI 5870, even though the chip is 25 % smaller and has fewer stream processors and texture units. I am awarding 5 points for the outstanding innovation of efficiency. I believe that this architecture has alot of potential and the AMD 6900 Series is just around the corner to show some of that potential.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
The bundle includes all that you will need for the installation of the card, along with a DVI to VGA adapter and a Crossfire bridge. This is a standard package for graphicscards and since that there is nothing else included, we land on a 3.
Design/Layout - 4
AMD reused the cooling design from the HD 5xxx series and does its job.
Software/BIOS - 4
Giving points to the software seems rather misplaced, as it often works as intended, whether you are looking at AMD or nVidia, but obviously there are not perfect either. AMD's CCC software is good but I have to complain about the start-up time, the lack of extended functions in Overdrive, and in general I find it rather confusing.
Performance - 4
I have chosen to award the card points in regards to the performance/efficiency ratio and there is no doubt that the price of DKK 1900,- is a outstanding price. Unfortunately I have not tested nVidia's counter graphicscard, the GTX 470, but when looking at the price and performance ratio, the GTX 470 and AMD 6870 are very close, but the AMD 6870 is cheaper and this gives the card 4 points.
Price - 4
I mentioned the price of the AMD 6870 but this version is at DKK 1900,-, which is DKK 200-250,- more than the standard model. I have not tested the model with the standard clocks, but I will say that it is a better buy, rather than the tested model reviewed here. I give it 4 points none the less.