
Det som vi har her er et billigt, men okay mid-tower kabinet. Kabinettet vil kunne klare sig i langt de fleste tilfælde og det er bygget helt uden behov for skruetrækker til montering og det har rigelig med muligheder for at montere ekstra blæsere. Kabinettet har dog også nogle fejl, og selv om det ikke er mange er det nogle meget irriterende fejl som producenten simpelthen burde have fanget. Kabinettet har et godt ansigt udadtil og er lige noget for den person der ønsker et flot kabinet men ikke gider alt for meget lys og bling bling.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Her får kabinettet et 3 tal, kabinettet har det man forventer, der er dog ikke noget sindsygt innovativt ved det og alle de ting vi møder er noget der er set før. Grunden til den får 3 er kabinettets værktøjsfri betjening hele vejen igennem samt muligheden for 5 stk. 120mm blæsere. Der er store problemer med at trække kablerne i dette kabinet så de generer mindst muligt hvilket trækker meget ned i mine øjne.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Et meget skrabet bundle den her kommer med, men der er præcis det man skal bruge for at montere hardware i det, og så heller ikke mere.
Design/Layout - 4
Her skubber den sig lige op på et 4 tal. Kabinettet virker meget stabilt, og har udefra set ikke nogen specielle fejl, den har nogle gode detaljer og knapperne er arbejdet meget godt ind i kabinettet. Dog må vi ikke glemme at den har en graverende fejl ved monteringen af CPU køler som trækker den meget ned.
Pris - 5
Kabinettet kan findes til DKR 412,- hos SHG, hvilket må siges at være en helt i orden pris og bestemt pengene værd.
UK summary

So what can we conclude from the test? Well, we have a fine case considering the price and this case will be able to meet most peoples needs and the fact that there is no need for tools is really nice. The case have a lot of room for extra fans, so heat should not be a problem. Even though the case has a lot of great details and features it does have some problems to, normally i would accept that gladly, but some of the problems should never have exsisted and why Silverstone didn't see them before lauching it to the market is a real mystery.
Innovation/Technology - 3
The innovation score is worth 3 points, the case has what it needs, but nothing new really came up. But still, they implemented that no use of tools is necessary for installing hardware in the case which pulls up the score a great deal. Next to this we have the posibility to install up to 5 fans which is more than enough in this case. Although as mentioned in the review, there are some problems with hiding the wires and not enough space to install some CPU cooling systems, this pulls the score down and overall it gets the score of 3.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
The bundle is really not much to talk about, you get the things needed to mount everything in the case but nothing more than that. So here the score of 3 seems appropriate.
Design/Layout - 4
The design is worth a grade of 4. The case seems very stable and even when you look at it up close, you won't find any big problems. In this case Silverstones development team has succeded with building in the buttons etc. so they fit into the chassis without damaging the look. Although there are still some bigger annoying problems like the missing space for mounting the CPU cooling system which is taking down the score by one point. But overall a good case with a few bugs but worth the price
Price - 5
We found this chassis in Denmark for DKK 412,- which i think is a very fair price. The case has a few mistakes but in this case the price seems great for what you get.
Test: Silverstone Precision PS05B
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Pris | 5 |
| |
Samlet | 75% |
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