Vælger du et kort med GTX 970 chippen, er det svært at blive skuffet. NVIDIA chippen leverer tonsvis af ydelse og lavt strømforbrug til en fornuftig pris. Efter at have testet kort fra både ASUS, GIGABYTE og nu MSI må jeg konkludere, at alle tre er super gode kort, der støjsvagt kan trække de nyeste spil.
I min optik er MSI’s bud dog lige en tand bedre, Twin Frozr køleren er ikke alene ligeså effektiv som konkurrenterne, men formår at støje endnu mindre. MSI GTX 970 GAMINIG 4G får en ’Editors Choice’ herfra.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
NVIDIA's GTX 970 leverer høj ydelse og lavt strømforbrug, med muligheden for at slå blæserne helt fra. Under overfladen finder vi 5.2 milliarder transistorer, 4GB RAM og MSI’s opgraderede komponenter.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Tilbehør til grafikkort har de seneste år har været tyndt, specielt i gamerklassen som vi kigger på nu. MSI gør det lige en smule bedre end gennemsnittet og derfor lander vi på en lille 4’er.
Design/Layout - 5
Twin Frozr V køleren i Advanced versionen, gør dette GTX 970, til det bedste jeg har testet. Superb ydelse i fuldstændig stilhed er hvad MSI har formået, og intet andet end 5 point kan gives her.
Software/BIOS - 5
Kortet samt drivere leverede stabil ydelse hele vejen igennem testen. Blæserne standser automatisk i idle hvilket er en super feature. Vil du overclocke vedlægger MSI deres Afterburner og et lille program, til at styre lyset på siden af kortet.
Ydelse - 5
GTX 970 chippen leverer ikke alene solid ydelse for pengene, men formår også at holde strømforbruget nede på et absolut minimum. Tager man yderligere i mente at det kan overclockes, til at matche GTX 980 er det svært at give andet end 5 point.
Pris - 3
Prisen på 2800,- kr. betyder at MSI kortet koster det samme som konkurrenterne fra GIGABYTE og ASUS. Der er nu også mange billigere modeller at vælge imellem og søger du ren ydelse for pengene har AMD desuden gode bud. Ligesom med ASUS kortet, lander vi på 3 point.
UK summary
If you choose a card with the GTX 970 chip, it's hard to be disappointed. The NVIDIA chip delivers tons of performance and low power consumption at a reasonable price. After testing cards from both ASUS, GIGABYTE and MSI, I have to conclude that all three are good quiet cards that will run the latest games.
That said in my opinion though, MSI’s attempt is just a little better. The Twin Frozr cooler is equally effective as the competition, but somehow manages to be even quieter. For that achievement MSI’s GTX 970 GAMINIG 4G gets an ‘Editor’s Choice’ from me.
Innovation/Technology - 5
NVIDIA's GTX 970 delivers high performance and low power consumption, with the ability to turn the fans off completely. Under the surface, we find 5.2 billion transistors, 4GB RAM and MSI's upgraded components.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
Accessories for video cards in recent years have been somewhat thin, especially in the gamer class we are looking at now. MSI is just a bit better than average and therefore we land on 4 points.
Design/Layout - 5
The Twin Frozr V cooler in its Advanced version makes this the best GTX 970 I've tested. Superb performance in complete silence is what MSI has managed here, and performance like that returns the maximum 5 points.
Software/BIOS - 5
The card and drivers delivered stable performance throughout the test. The fans will stop automatically in idle which is a superb feature. If you want to overclock, MSI include their Afterburner software and a small app to control the lightning and other features.
Performance - 5
The GTX 970 chip doesn’t only deliver solid performance for the money, but also manages to keep power consumption to an absolute minimum. If you also consider, that it can be overclocked to match the GTX 980, well then only 5 points will do.
Price - 3
The price of 2800, - DKK Puts the MSI card in the same price range as competitors from GIGABYTE and ASUS. There are now also many cheap 970 models to choose from, and if you just want performance for the money, AMD also has some good candidates. Like the ASUS card MSI gets 3 points.
Test: MSI GTX970 Gaming 4G
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 3 |
| |
Samlet | 90% |
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