Alt i alt er Logitech Harmony One noget af det ypperste man finder indenfor fjernbetjeninger. Tasternes placeringer, det lækre design og det trykfølsome display giver brugeren alt det man længe har sukket efter. Harmony One er det bedste fra Logitech's Harmony 555 og Harmony 1000 fjernbetjeninger, samlet i én enkelt enhed der giver den ultimative kontrol over hjemmets elektroniske underholdning.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
At man kan skræddersy sin fjernbetjening som man vil have det, er set før, bla. med Logitech Harmony 1000, så det er der ikke så meget nyt i. Dog er det relativt nyt med et trykfølsomt display der er så godt integreret i fjernbetjeningen. Ideen med at man kan vælge hvilke komponenter man vil styre, bare med et enkelt tryk på skærmen, er intet mindre end genialt, og denne funktion fungerer helt efter hensigten.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 5
Kort sagt, så mangler man intet. Alt det man kan bruge medfølger simpelthen. Det eneste man kunne ønske sig er et ekstra batteri, men dette burde ikke være nødvendigt da man virkeligt skal kæmpe længe for at køre bare ét batteri tørt. Topkarakter i denne kategori er ikke noget nyt for Logitech, og endnu engang har det været velfortjent.
Design/Layout - 5
Logitech Harmony One er lidt større end Harmony 555, men mindre end Harmony 1000. Designerne har virkeligt tænkt over hvordan man kombinerer god ergonomi med et smukt design, og resultatet er blevet helt fantastisk. Fjernbetjeningen ligger godt i hånden, og som tidligere sagt, så får man virkelig en følelse af kontrol og velbehag når man holder fjernbetjeningen i hånden. Materialet som Harmony One er udført i virker på ingen måder billige, og det tynde gummilag på undersiden får remoten til at ligge solidt i hånden.
Software/BIOS - 4
Softwaren er dejlig og let at bruge, men det er lige et enkelt minus. Hver gang man har minimeret Logitech's software ned i højre hjørne af skræmen, og gerne vil åbne det igen, så skal man til at logge ind igen for at hente fjernbetjeningens konfiguration frem. Denne proces tager ca. 5-8 sekunder, og det er ren spildtid. Det positive ved at man skal logge ind er dog at man kan hente sin konfiguration frem på hvilken som helst computer der har Logitech Harmony Remote Software installeret.
Ydelse - 5
Et helt klart 5-tal må det blive til her. Logitech Harmony One gør præcist hvad man beder den om, og den gør det endda i et tempo hvor ingen andre multifjernbetjeninger kan følge med. Rækkeviden og batteritiden er god, og hvis fjernbetjeningen er programeret rigtigt, så er det en ren fornøjelse at bruge remoten. Og dette betyder at man med et enkelt tryk på fjernbetjenings display og man er igang med at se DVD eller høre musik.
Pris - 4
Logitech Harmony One kan findes på EDBpriser.dk til ca. 1.200 kr. Dette er en del penge, men man får virkeligt også meget for pengene. Ville det ikke være rart at kunne smide alle andre fjernbetjeninger i huset væk, og erstatte dem alle sammen med en enkelt enhed der har de samme funktioner, og som måske endda er en anelse lækkere at se på? Hvis man kan svare ja til dette spørgsmål - så er Logitech Harmony One noget for dig.
UK summary
As we have seen in the test, Logitech Harmony One is among the best remotes that are found on the current market. The placing of the buttons, the ergonomic design and the touchscreen really hands it to the user. The Harmonu One remote combines the best from Harmony 555 and Harmony 1000 into a single unit that grants the user the ultimative control over the electronic entertainment in the home.
Innovation/Technology - 4
To be able to program the remote as you want is nothing new. We have seen it on Logitech's Harmony 1000 among others. But it is realative new thinking to put a touchscreen on your remotecontrol. The idea about being able to choose that component you want to control by making one touch on the display is fantastic, and this feature works just the way it is suppose to.
Bundle/Accessories - 5
In short terms - Nothing is missing. The bundle is complete with everything you need. The only thing we could wish for was an extra battery, but the one that follows in the bundle should be enough, because it is really hard to run dry. A topgrade in this catagory is nothing new to Logitech, and once again it has been well deserved.
Design/Layout - 5
Logitech Harmony One is a bit larger than Harmony 555, but smaller than Harmony 1000. The Logitech design team have really though about how you combine good ergonomic with a beautiful design, and the result has been absolutly amazing. The romote is well placed in the users hand, and as i said at an earlier point in the test, the user really gets the feeling of control and comfort when holding the remote. The material that Harmony One has been made of doesn't feel cheap in any way, and the thing layer of rubber on the buttom makes the remote stay in the hand.
Software/BIOS - 4
The software is nice and easy to use, but there is one minus. Each time you minimize the software to tray, and you want to open it again, then you will have to login again to get the remotes configuration to your computer monitor. This process takes roughly 5-8 seconds, and those seconds are just waist of time. The positive thing about logging in is that you can get your controls on-screen on any computer that has got the software installed.
Performance - 5
No doubt that 5 is the grade here. Logitech Harmony One does exactly what is it told to do, and even in a paste where no other multiremotes can follow. The range of the infrared transmitter and the long batterytime makes the remote very mobile. And if the remote is programmed right, then it becomes a pure pleasure to use, and with one click on the remotes display you are well on your way to watch a DVD or just simple listen to music.
Price - 4
Logitech Harmony One is found on EDBpriser.dk to roughly DKK 1.200 (€ 60). This is quite a big amount of money, but you really get what you paid for here. Wouldn't it be nice to just trow all remotes in the house in the trashcan, and just replace them with one unit that has got the same fuctions? And isn't it also a big plus if the single unit looks better than the old remotes? If you can answer yes to this, then Logitech harmony One is the remote for you.
Test: Logitech Harmony One
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 5 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 4 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 90% |
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