
Der er uden tvivl rigtig god ydelse at hente i disse to kort i SLI, ligesom overclockingspotentialet også er i orden. Der er dog to primære ting som taler imod at vælge disse kort: Prisen og det faktum at du skal have et bundkort med Nvidia chipset. Er disse to faktorer ikke et problem, er der ikke andet end at sige end go ahead!
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Overordnet kan man sige, at G92-chippen er innovativ i forhold til den gamle G80. Selvom den har fået en lille opdatering her på 9800GTX og understøtter tri-SLI er det dog ikke nok til, at jeg vil give mere end en middelkarakter. Vi kunne også godt have savnet noget bedre end 256bit ramkredse på et highend kort.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Inno3D's bundle bevæger sig med det inkluderede spil lige over middel. Dette udløser et 4-tal.
Design/Layout - 4
Et stort 4-tal er på sin plads. Jeg var egentlig tæt på at give et lille 5-tal, men det var ting som kortenes fysiske størrelse og de to strømstik i forhold til det ene på 8800GT og GTS 512, der gjorde udslaget. Omvendt er det rigtig positivt med lave temperaturer, et udemærket strømforbrug og et ikke-eksisterende støjniveau.
Driver - 3
Vi mener, at driveren er til en middelkarakter, da hhv. ATI og Nvidia faktisk gør det ca. lige godt.
Ydelse - 5
Resultaterne af to stk 9800GTX i SLI er uden tvivl til en topkarakter. Ikke bare i testprogrammer ydede de godt, OC-potentialet var også i orden!
Pris - 2
Der er to væsentlige hindringer i at købe de her kort. De hedder hhv. 9800GX2 og HD3870X2. Inno3D er lige pt. blandt de billigste 9800GTX-kort i landet med pris på lige over 1800kr/stk. Det bliver altså sammenlagt rundt regnet ml. 36-3700kr for et setup med to stk. Sammenlignet med dette fås et HD3870X2 for 2450kr og et 9800GX2 for omkring 3400kr. Det bedste valg ville absolut grundet prisen være et HD3870X2. Vælger man derimod to stk 9800GTX i SLI får man fortrinlig ydelse og gode OC-muligheder. Jeg giver derfor et 2-tal i denne kategori.

Test: Inno3D 9800GTX SLI
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 2 |
| |
Samlet | 70% |
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hereUK summary
There is no doubt that these cards perform really good and the potential of overclocking is quite nice. There are two main factors which talk against buying these cards for your setup though: The price and the fact that SLI only works on motherboards based on Nvidia chipset. If you do not have a problem with these things then just go ahead and buy them!
Innovation/Technology - 3
Overall you can say that the G92 chip is innovative compared to the old G80. Even though it has been through an update on the 9800GTX and supports tri-SLI we still don't think theres is a reason for giving more than three. Further more we miss something more impressive than 256bit memory bus on this highend card.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
By including a game Inno3D has moved away from the standard bundle. We give a four.
Design/Layout - 4
We give a great 4. Actually we considered giving a top rating, but things like the physical size and the two power connectors compared to the single ones on 8800GT and GTS 512 resulted in a 4. On the other hand it is very impressive with the low temperatures & the powerconsumption being okay while the level of noise is non-existing.
Driver - 3
The driver deserves a rating of 3. The reason for this rating is that we do not find a special driver from ATI or Nvidia better than another.
Performance - 5
The benchmark results done by two 9800GTX in SLI are at a top rate, no doubt. But it wasn't the only positive thing: The possibilities of overclocking the cards are incredible.
Price - 2
When talking about the price there are two reasons not to buy these cards: They are named 9800GX2 and HD3870X2. The Inno3D 9800GTX is right now one of the cheapest 9800GTX cards in Denmark with a price around 1850DKK each. For two of these cards you will then have to pay around 3700DKr. Compared to the prices of 2450DKK for an HD3870X2 and 3400DKK for a 9800GX2, this is quite expensive. There is no doubt that the best choice would be an HD3870X2 for the price. On the other hand you will get very good performance and incredible OC possibilities if you choose to pick a 9800GTX SLI setup. Therefore I give the rating of two.