Test: Zotac 8800GT UK

Grafikkort, NVIDIA  d.  29. oktober. 2007, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 25134 gange.

Billed behandling: 

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 
Produkt udlånt af: Zotac
DK distributør: MMD
Innovation and Technology:
Geforce 8800GT are in alot of areas a mysterious card. Under normal circumstances is the GT series the GTS series younger brother, but here it is not the case at all.
The stellar point here being a new GPU called G92.It is on the old 8800 boards called GP80 and has a lot of issues that the G92 has corrected.
G92 has like the remaining Geforce8 family Direct 10 qualities,which means it has the newest shader 4.0 that makes the graphics even more realistic.

8800GT has 512mb memory and 256bit memory circuts. The old series of Geforce 8800 cards had off numbers like 320 and 384bit, where they had increased the bandwith to the memory and at the same time could save the costs for expensive memory chips. Nvidia has opted this time around for some slightly faster memory chips( they have been falling in price since last year) and that way cut down on the number of memory units and a simpler print design. Furthermore they have opted for the new 65nm technology that makes the chips even smaller and saves money on raw material.

The new and exciting comes to terms here.. Unified Shader can only be used for effects, and old words like pipelines,ROPs, aso are still alive and well. We dont know if the GP92 has 128 or 112 shader units attached, and we are still in doubts if there are 32 or 28 pixelpipelines. GT has 112 and 28 respectively, but could easily have had some of them deactivated. Since there is a rumour out that a upcomming G92 GTS card should have 128 shaderunits.
And Nvidia has added a new feature kinda like a a hypertreading,called Giga Thread, the we all know from Intels Pentium 4 series. The card can work with several treads at the time and be more efficient.
Further Abillities:
PureVideo HD is Nvidias word for video decoding. The Geforce 8 has ofcourse Pure Video Abillities, that has now been extended with a HD mention. Pure Video describes the option for HD decoding that comes along with the new Digital TV,
HD-DVD and Blu-Ray are possible. With the Geforce8800 it is also possible to watch AACS protected material(copy protected) mediums.This has only been available for a few cards earlier. Pure Video HD also extends with improved HD noise reduction,HD egde enhanncement, and as a brand new feature also HD video compression which was a feature the G80 chip lacked,but as the rest of the Geforce8 series had and now also the G92.
The biggest newer Nvidia cards supports Sli. In brief that means if you have a motherboard that supports the sli sticker,then you can use 2 equal cards in same pc (2 x 88800GTS) and use their combined power on one monitor. From Geforce 7100GS and upwards.
FSAA stands for Full Screen Anti Aliasing, and and gives the card an imaginary higher resolution than otherwise possible.
An abillity that has its advantages on lcd screens since they only have 2 real resolutions. 4x stands for 4 times the pixels,and it shows itself onscreen as a few blinking or none blinking pixels, and no uneven or chopped egdes.Geforce8 series has several different types. The newest is called CVAA that expands the old mold from 8 to 16x without going on compromise with the picture quality,and still with a very decent performance.
Is the name of an abillity,available on most new cards these days.The idear is that you have made the computergames for optimum performance.To make the card do less the details are not as fine deep in the picture as it is infront/close-up.That makes the transistion between the parts with less detail up to those with alot of detail shows very clearly.And the problem is solved with filtering. Newest type is called Anisotrofical Filtering and can be used by most cards dating after year 2000. Nvidia should use a new solution that gives very high quality.
We have been using nvidias newest driver 97.02. In this the new form of Ani works fine,and we will also see later on that there is hardly any difference in performnce.
We also noticed that GammaCorrected FSAA was imbedded from standard in this driver,which we did not see in earlier versions like 96.89 or 96.96.Very nice to see that the driver works in this area.
Quantum Effects
A new abillity that makes physics effects along side the graphics,thanks to the Unified Shader.That means you dont really need a physics card anymore.But also means that adding physics to the card will decrease the performance of the card but a very interesting development.