Test: Zotac 8800GT UK

Grafikkort, NVIDIA  d.  29. oktober. 2007, skrevet af The Boss 0 Kommentarer.  Vist: 25130 gange.

Billed behandling: 

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 
Produkt udlånt af: Zotac
DK distributør: MMD
Intel C2D E6600
@2667Mhz 4MB cache
2x1024MB DDR2 667
Asus P5B Deluxe P965
333Mhz Quad-fsb(1332Mhz)
Zotac 8600GT
Forceware 162.18
Twintech 8600GTS
Forceware 158.18
Gigabyte 8800GTS-640
Forceware 97.92
MSI 8800GTS-320 OC
Forceware 97.92
MSI 8500GT
Forceware 158.18
Asus 7900GT
Forceware 93.71
Explained in brief:
800x600 1024x1280 16x1200= resolution
4x/16x = 4x antialiasing and 16x anisotrofical filtering(Antialiassing first/Filtering last).
LQ= Low Quality
MQ=Medium Quality
UQ=Ultra/Highest Quality
And now for all we have been waiting for…(drumroll please)..How many frames can this card eat through per second? And as i said in the introduction…quite a few..
Unfortunenately i havent had access to a 8800GTX or a 8800 Ultra to compare it with and the X2900XT i do have available i have not had the time to test it due to the deadline stress factor. And it also deserves mention that this card is overclocked from the factory,so the performance on this Zotac card does not represent the average 8800GT available in the shops. But the difference is on the small side so we must still conclude that this is a very nice buy indeed.
In 3Dmark we clearly see the Zotac card superior to the 8800GTS cards and that is almost certain the cards the GT series are going to replace.We are talking a difference, measured in thousands of points which is very very nice indeed.


OpenGL test,GLXS on the other hand is rather strange- since it shows a poorer result than both 8800GTS-320 and 8800GTS-640.
Very odd indeed that G92 should be worse off in OpenGL as compared to the G80 core. But lucky for us only a few games these days make use of the OpenGL standard.


The Prey-Benchmark on the other hand is ferocious.. And we see the same increase in performance as in 3Dmark. This card is putting it simply running away from the old G80 based cards.

And X3 confirms just the results we got in both 3Dmark and Prey. This card kicks ass. It might not be as fast as 8800GTX and HD2900XT that i have not been able to include as comparison but its the fastest card in its pricerange.

I did also run a test of the game Crysis,but since the demo only just have been released then i have nothing to compare it with.
You can try and compare it to your own system,but notice that my testing is based solely on direct X9 since i am running windows xp pro.
To run the benchmark in the crysisSP demo you must do the following:
1. Select settings inside the game demo.
2. Open the folder "bin32" and then .bat file "Benchmark_GPU.bat". When you have run the timer demo you then have 4X results. From those i have only selected the last one.
I would have loved to be able to test the card and its abillities in playback of several videoformats like H.264 and VC-1(the new high definition codecs),but unfortunenately i dont have the soft or hardware available to me to do so. But the new G92 core should have improved performance in that area,after the videoprocessor has been integrated into the core.
This card is issued with a standard cooler,but are overclocked pretty heavily from the factory,so my expectations to this card and its possibilities for overclocking it is fairly limited. The card has a standard clock on core,memory and shader showing 700 mhz, 1000 mhz and 1700 mhz respectively.
in the beginning i had trouble running different programs - Rivatuner and ATI tools were tried but no luck.Then  i tried nTune and it all of the sudden looked bright until i ran a few benchmarks and it crashed. In the end  we can deduct that the card dont want to move more than a few mhz on both the core and memory. Worth mentioning is that we are dealing with an early sample.So the cards that ends up for sale in the shops are more keen to be overclock friendly. Besides this card is also extremely overclocked from the beginning.