Test: Plantronics Audio 920

Lyd d.  08. september. 2008, skrevet af season88 1 Kommentarer.  Vist: 9570 gange.

Billed behandling: 

Pristjek på http://www.pricerunner.dk 
Produkt udlånt af: Plantronics
DK distributør: Hasee.dk


Vi har her med en producent at gøre der uden tvivl har prøvet at lave headsets før, bare husk på at de havde det første headset på månen. Designet og kvaliteten har skiftet meget siden dengang, og her har vi set at det bestemt har været til det positive. Headsettet har overrasket på en række områder, uden egentligt at skuffe helt vildt på andre. Designet er i top, og både lyd og tale ligger bestemt i den gode ende. Følg med når vi ser på hvor godt dette Plantronics Audio 920 Bluetooth headset egentligt klarede sig i de forskellige kategorier.


Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Selvom jeg egentlig gerne ville give en højere karakter her, så ser vi bare ikke nok nyt. Dog har headsettet samlet alle de positive ting fra de foregående modeller, og derved har vi her set et af de vel nok bedste headsets på markedet lige for tiden. Plantronics har her fået samlet sig et fantastisk headset der kan bruges uanset om man er i bilen, i hjemmet eller ude og gå en tur på strøget.

Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Som jeg sagde i afsnittet omkring kassens indhold, så var jeg lidt usikker på om dette var et godt eller et skidt bundle. Men jeg er kommet frem til at det faktisk er et ganske udmærket bundle. Man får alt hvad man skal bruge, og man kan let og hurtigt oplade headsettet via computeren. Det er også et kæmpe plus at der medfølger en USB Bluetooth dongle. Det er første gang jeg har set det, hvor der samtidig har fulgt et USB kabel med. Desuden er det værd at bide mærke i at det hele var fornuftigt pakket ind. Dette tillader at hvis man af en eller anden grund ikke skulle være tilfreds med produktet, så kan det let retuneres til forhandleren.

Design/Layout - 5
Et 5-tal skulle jeg jo give, og her kommer det. Designet er helt fantastisk. Headsettet er stilrent, lækkert at se på, og Plantronics har virkelig forenet design og funktionalitet. Man kan virkelig mærke at de materialer der er blevet brugt her bestemt ikke føles billige, og at produceten har tænkt over at brugeren skal have den bedst mulige oplevelse.

Software/BIOS - N/A
Der medfulgte ikke noget software til dette produkt. Dette headset fungerer via Plug and Play princippet.

Ydelse - 3
De af jer der har læst hele testen igennem kunne læse at jeg stort set kun havde roser tilovers for headsettet i testen. Dog faldt headsettet igennem på et punkt, nemlig ved Bluetooth donglen. Denne kunne slet ikke leve op til den oplyste rækkevide, om det var en hardware defekt eller bare en dongle af dårlig kvalitet lader jeg stå hen i det ukendte. Men ellers havde headsettet en god lyd når det kom til tale, og mikrofonen var bestemt en af de bedste jeg har set længe. Dog var det også lidt irriterende at den eneste knap på headsettet gav sådan en høj "klik-lyd" når man trykkede den ned.

Pris - 4
Prisen på sådan et headset ligger på omkring de 450 danske kroner. Og dette må siges at være en ret god pris. Der findes bestemt billigere headsets, men jeg tvivler på der findes ret mange andre headsets af denne kvalitet på det danske marked lige i øjeblikket. Desuden er der så meget kamp om de danske kunder hos headset-producenterne at vi nok ser et yderligere prisfald her i løbet af det næste halve år.



Test: Plantronics Audio 920
Innovation / Teknologi3
Bundle - Tilbehør4
Design - Layout5

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Here we have taken a look at a huge producer that knows what they are doing. Remember that they put the first headset ever on the moon. The design and quality has changed quite a lot since then, and here we have seen that it is has been to the positive side. The headset has surprised in many ways, and we haven’t been able to find that many disappointments. The design is beautiful, and both sound and speech in the microphone is fantastic. But tag along and see how good this Bluetooth headset really is.   


Innovation/Technology - 3
Even though I would love to give a higher grade here, I can’t. We just don’t see enough new technology. But the headset has gathered all the positive things from the previous models and that's why we have seen one of the best headsets on the market at this moment. Plantronics has produced a fantastic headset that can be used no matter if you are driving in your car, in your home, or walking in the street.

Bundle/Accessories - 4
As I said in the test, I was a little unsure about this bundle. If it was good or bad. But I have come to the conclusion that it is actually ok. You get what you need and the user can easily recharge the headset by using the USB-cable to the computer. It is also a giant step in the right direction that there is a USB Bluetooth-dongle included in the bundle. It is the first time I have seen a bundle with both a cable and a wireless dongle included. Furthermore it is worth noticing that the set was nicely wrapped. This allows the user to return the package to the retailer if it somehow didn’t live up the the users expectations.

Design/Layout - 5
I had to give this headset a 5, and here it is. The design is fantastic. The headset has got a touch of class, it’s nice to look at and Plantronics has really managed to unite design and functionality. When you feel the headset, you can determine that the materials that have been used for this headset don’t feel cheap, and that the producer has really thought about giving the user the best possible experience.

Software/BIOS - N/A
No software included. This headset works by the Plug & Play principle.

Performance - 3
I haven’t had many negative things to say about this headset, but there is just one thing that annoys me quite a lot, and that is the Bluetooth dongle. It couldn’t live up to the promises Plantronics had given on their homepage and on the package. I don’t know if it was a hardware defect or just a dongle that had been badly built, I just know that it is a shame the manufacturer promises something they can’t keep. But on the other hand, the headset had a great sound when talking on a cell phone and the microphone was one of the best I have seen in a long time. But then again, it is also a shame that the only button on the headset gave this “click” sound when pushing it down.

Price - 4
This price is roughly around 450 DKK (£ 43), and that is a good and fair price for this headset. Of course there are cheaper headsets on the market, but I doubt that there are that many others that has got the same quality as this one. Furthermore there is a battle going on between the headset producers on the European market at the moment, so my predictions is that we will see a further decrease in prices within the next six months.


08-09-2008 16:23:53

God test 🙂