Platformkategori: AMD Dragon platform komponent.

ATI Radeon HD 4890 - GPU Specifications:
- 956 million transistors on 55nm fabrication process
- PCI Express 2.0 x16 bus interface
- 256-bit GDDR5 memory interface
- Microsoft® DirectX® 10.1 support
- Shader Model 4.1
- 32-bit floating point texture filtering
- Indexed cube map arrays
- Independent blend modes per render target
- Pixel coverage sample masking
- Read/write multi-sample surfaces with shaders
- Gather4 texture fetching
- Unified Superscalar Shader Architecture
- 800 stream processing units
- Dynamic load balancing and resource allocation for vertex, geometry, and pixel shaders
- Common instruction set and texture unit access supported for all types of shaders
- Dedicated branch execution units and texture address processors
- 128-bit floating point precision for all operations
- Command processor for reduced CPU overhead
- Shader instruction and constant caches
- Up to 160 texture fetches per clock cycle
- Up to 128 textures per pixel
- Fully associative multi-level texture cache design
- DXTC and 3Dc+ texture compression
- High resolution texture support (up to 8192 x 8192)
- Fully associative texture Z/stencil cache designs
- Double-sided hierarchical Z/stencil buffer
- Early Z test and Fast Z Clear
- Lossless Z & stencil compression (up to 128:1)
- Lossless color compression (up to 8:1)
- Up to 8 render targets (MRTs) with anti-aliasing
- Accelerated physics processing
- Dynamic Geometry Acceleration
- High performance vertex cache
- Programmable tessellation unit
- Accelerated geometry shader path for geometry amplification
- Memory read/write cache for improved stream output performance
- Anti-aliasing features
- Multi-sample anti-aliasing (2, 4, or 8 samples per pixel)
- Up to 24x Custom Filter Anti-Aliasing (CFAA)
- Adaptive super-sampling and multi-sampling
- Gamma correct
- Super AA (ATI CrossFireX™ configurations only)
- All anti-aliasing features compatible with HDR rendering
- Texture filtering features
- 2x/4x/8x/16x high quality adaptive anisotropic filtering modes (up to 128 taps per pixel)
- 128-bit floating point HDR texture filtering
- sRGB filtering (gamma/degamma)
- Percentage Closer Filtering (PCF)
- Depth & stencil texture (DST) format support
- Shared exponent HDR (RGBE 9:9:9:5) texture format support
- OpenGL 3.0 support
- ATI Avivo™ HD Video and Display Platform1
- Unified Video Decoder (UVD) for H.264/AVC, VC-1, and MPEG-2 video formats
- High definition (HD) playback of Blu-ray and HD DVD video2
- Dual stream (HD+SD) playback support
- DirectX Video Acceleration 1.0 & 2.0 support
- Support for BD-Live certified applications
- Hardware DivX and MPEG-1 video decode acceleration
- ATI Avivo Video Post Processor1
- Color space conversion
- Chroma subsampling format conversion
- Horizontal and vertical scaling
- Gamma correction
- Advanced vector adaptive per-pixel de-interlacing
- De-blocking and noise reduction filtering
- Detail enhancement
- Color vibrance and flesh tone correction
- Inverse telecine (2:2 and 3:2 pull-down correction)
- Bad edit correction
- Enhanced DVD upscaling (SD to HD)9
- Automatic dynamic contrast adjustment
- Two independent display controllers
- Drive two displays simultaneously with independent resolutions, refresh rates, color controls and video overlays for each display
- Full 30-bit display processing
- Programmable piecewise linear gamma correction, color correction, and color space conversion
- Spatial/temporal dithering provides 30-bit color quality on 24-bit and 18-bit displays
- High quality pre- and post-scaling engines, with underscan support for all display outputs
- Content-adaptive de-flicker filtering for interlaced displays
- Fast, glitch-free mode switching
- Hardware cursor
- Two integrated dual-link DVI display outputs
- Each supports 18-, 24-, and 30-bit digital displays at all resolutions up to 1920x1200 (single-link DVI) or 2560x1600 (dual-link DVI)3
- Each includes a dual-link HDCP encoder with on-chip key storage for high resolution playback of protected content4
- Two integrated 400 MHz 30-bit RAMDACs
- Each supports analog displays connected by VGA at all resolutions up to 2048x15363
- DisplayPort output support
- 24- and 30-bit displays at all resolutions up to 2560x16003
- HDMI output support
- All display resolutions up to 1920x10803
- Integrated HD audio controller with support for stereo and multi-channel (up to 7.1) audio formats, including AC-3, AAC, DTS5, enabling a plug-and-play audio solution over HDMI
- Integrated AMD Xilleon™ HDTV encoder
- Provides high quality analog TV output (component/S-video/composite)
- Supports SDTV and HDTV resolutions
- Underscan and overscan compensation
- Seamless integration of pixel shaders with video in real time
- VGA mode support on all display outputs
- ATI PowerPlay™ Technology6
- Advanced power management technology for optimal performance and power savings
- Performance-on-Demand
- Constantly monitors GPU activity, dynamically adjusting clocks and voltage based on user scenario
- Clock and memory speed throttling
- Voltage switching
- Dynamic clock gating
- Central thermal management – on-chip sensor monitors GPU temperature and triggers thermal actions as required
- ATI CrossFireX™ Multi-GPU Technology7
- Scale up rendering performance and image quality with up to four GPUs
- Integrated compositing engine
- High performance dual channel bridge interconnect8

Det var en meget lang liste fra AMD/ATI... - Vi tager derfor lige den kortere udgave af det mest relevante i et mindre skema:
Produktionsteknologi: |
55 nm TSMC proces |
SP-units: |
800 |
GPU-Clockfrekvens: |
850 MHz |
Shader Core clockfrekvens |
850 MHz |
Memory clockfrekvens: |
975 MHz GDDR-5 RAM |
Memory båndbredde: |
256-bit memory bandwith interface |
Antal ROP’s |
16 |
Grafikkteknologiunderstøttelse: |
DirectX 10.1 og OpenGL 3.0 |
Dermed er Radeon HD 4890 blandt gruppen af GPU'er der benytter 55nm produktionsteknologi. Desto mindre transistorstørrelse man kan producere i, desto flere transistorer kan man presse ned i det integrerede kredsløb, som en microchip er. Med færre nanometer kommer også mindre varme og lavere strømforbrug. Og her er AMD/ATI foran NVIDIA pt. med hensyn til strømforbrug. AMD/ATI-baserede grafikkort er iflg. mine målinger med kilowattmeter målt "at-wall-socket" (totalforbrug for PC'en) generelt lavere, end grafikkort baserede på NVIDIA's GPU'er (se nærmere under punktet Test/Overclockning, hvor der forefindes en graf i bunden over forskellige korts strømforbrug).
Rent grafikteknologisk understøtter Radeon HD 4890 både DirectX 10.1 og OpenGL 3.0. På Windows-siden er der altså glimrende understøttelse for nyeste frigivede grafik-API. På OpenGL-siden er man sikret samme kompatibilitet, som hos NVIDIA, hvis GPU'er siden april 2009 fik understøttelse for OpenGL 3.0. Så skal man rendere grafik, eller spille på Linux, eller anden Unix som BSD, Solaris, mv. kan HD 4890 udemærket benyttes til denne opgave også. Det eneste grafikteknologisk aktuelle HD4890 ikke understøtter er NVIDIA PhysX (tidl. Ageia). Og derfor scorer NVIDIA-kort ret højt i 3DMark Vantage benchmarken.
Bemærk her, at MSI R4890 OC Edtition er overclocket fra fabrikanten af fra følgende til følgende:
GPU fra 850 MHz til 880 MHz og RAM fra 975 Mhz til 999 MHz
Her er et mindre skema, over 5 for tiden meget aktuelle grafikkort-chips/GPU'er, til sammenligning med AMD/ATI's data:
HD4770 |
HD4870 |
HD4890 |
NV GTX260 |
NV GTX280 |
Procesteknologi |
40nm TSMC |
55nm TSMC |
55nm TSMC |
65/55nm TSMC |
65nm TSMC |
Core Clock |
750 MHz |
750 MHz |
850 MHz |
576 MHz |
602 MHz |
RAM Clock |
800 MHz GDDR-5 |
900 MHz GDDR-5 |
975 MHz GDDR-5 |
999 MHz GDDR-3 |
1.107 MHz GDDR-3 |
Shader Clock |
750 MHz |
750 MHz |
850 MHz |
1.242 MHz |
1.296 MHz |
Video Memory Buffer |
512 MB |
1 GB/512 MB |
1 GB |
896 MB |
1 GB |
ROPs |
16 |
16 |
16 |
28 |
32 |
Memory Bus båndbredde |
128-bit |
256-bit |
256-bit |
448-bit |
512-bit |
Antal Shader Processorer |
640 |
800 |
800 |
216/192 |
240 |
Som vi kan se, er der visse betydelige forskelle mellem ATI's og NVIDIA's design af GPU'er. Hvis man vil, kan man læse en udmærket guide på nettet til, hvad disse betyder, så dem vil jeg ikke komme nærmere ind på, andet end produktionsstørrelsen i nm. i denne artikel. Hvis man vil kan man via Google finde nogle store, dybegående artikler der forklarer indgående, hvad hver enkelt grafikchipenhed gør på bit-niveau. Det står klart når man læser her, at begge firmaer satser forskelligt indenfor design. Men begge opnår idag cirka den samme ydelse i tests, så dette vil jeg som sagt ikke gå dybere ind i, i denne artikel.
Systemkrav til Radeon HD4890:
ATI Radeon™ HD 4890 System Requirements
- PCI Express® based PC is required with one X16 lane graphics slot available on the motherboard
- 500 Watt or greater power supply with two 75W 6-pin PCI Express® power connectors recommended (600 Watt and four 6-pin connectors for ATI CrossFireX™ technology in dual mode)
- Certified power supplies are recommended. Refer to http://ati.amd.com/certifiedPSU for a list of Certified products
- Minimum 1GB of system memory
- Installation software requires CD-ROM drive
- DVD playback requires DVD drive
- Blu-ray™ playback requires Blu-ray drive
- For a complete ATI CrossFireX™ system, a second ATI Radeon™ HD 4890 graphics card, an ATI CrossFireX Ready motherboard and one ATI CrossFireX Bridge Interconnect cable per graphics card (included) are required
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