
I denne test er der ikke så meget, at skrive om da det testede setup er "lidt gammelt", set i forhold til de helt nye AMD serie-5000 grafikkort. I visse tests formår setuppet med 2 x HD4770 512, at overgå HD5770 1GB, mens det i andre ligger i bunden af de sammenlignede kort. Prismæssigt er der ikke meget, at vinde ved at købe to HD4770 512'ere, fremfor et eller to HD5770 1GB kort. Men kortene er oplagte køb til visse ting, hvis man kan finde dem til en god pris. Hver for sig performer kortene dog ganske udemærket, hvis man ikke har de voldsomme krav til ydelsen. Dog skal det siges, at eks. vis HD5770 1GB bruger mindre strøm, end to HD4770 512'ere i CrossFire. Men har man allerede et HD4770 512 grafikkort, så er det oplagt, at købe et mere og bruge kortene i CrossFire. TIl HTPC-brug er kortet oplagt for dem der stadig har TV med analoge indgange, da kortene har analog udgang.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
For kortets klasse - en hel kategori under AMD's serie-5000- kunne vi lande på et 3-tal, da kortet i sin tid i maj, da det udkom var verdens første fungerende 40nm grafikkort/GPU. Men da et kort med 512 MB mere RAM og DX11 kompatibilitet koster 33% mere (ca. 300,- DKK pt.) ender vi derfor på et stort 3-tal.
Design/Layout - N/A
Da de testede kort har forskellige køleløsninger er der ikke mere, at bemærke her. Dog skal det bemærkes, at hvis man ikke har en fladskærm med HDMI, så er HD4770 512 et af de allersidste grafikkort fra AMD/ATI der har analog TV-udgang.
Software - 5
AMD/ATI's Catalystdriverpakke fungerer ganske glimrende - og såvel den nye, som den krævende bruger vil hurtigt føle sig hjemme og kunne bruge alle de funktioner kortet byder på.
Ydelse - 3
I ydelse ender vi på et stort 3-tal, da setuppet med 2 x HD4770 512 i visse test og opløsninger overgår et enkelt HD5770 1GB.
Pris - 4
I pris ender vi på et 4-tal, da et HD4770 512 i billigste model koster 710,- DKK for det billigste og 806,- DKK for det dyreste. Billigste model HD5770 1GB koster 1.053,- DKK, i skrivende stund. Alle priser er iflg. EDBpriser.dk's specifikationer.
Test: HIS Radeon HD4770 i CrossFire
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 75% |
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In this test there is not so much to write about because the tested is a "little old", compared to the brand new AMD-5000 series graphics cards. In some tests this setup with 2 x HD4770 512 surpasses the HD5770 1GB, while in others it is at the bottom of the comparison list. Price wise there is not much to gain by buying two HD4770 512'ere, rather than one or two HD5770 1GB card. But the cards are an ideal purchase for certain things, if you can find them for a good price. Apart the card however persom quite well, if one doesn't have the most "dramatic" performance requirement. However, it must be said that the HD5770 1GB uses less power than two HD4770 512'ere in Crossfire. But you already have an HD4770 512 graphics card, then it is obvious to buy one more and use the cards in Crossfire. For HTPC-use the cards are ideal, for those who still have TV's with analog inputs, since the cards have analog output.
Innovation/Technology - 3
For the cards class - a whole category of AMD's 5000-series, we could land on a 3-figures, as the map during his time in May when it appeared was the world's first working 40nm graphics card / GPU. But since a card with 512 MB more RAM and DX11 Compatibility only costs 33% more (about 300, - EUR pt.), we end up on a large 3.
Design/Layout - 0
Since the tested cards have different cooling solutions, there is nothing more to tell here. However, it should be noted that if you do not have a flat panel with HDMI, then the HD4770 512 are one of the very last graphics cards from AMD/ATI, that has analog TV output.
Software - 5
AMD / ATI 's Catalystdriverpakke works quite excellent - and both the new, as the demanding user will soon feel at home and be able to use all the features the card offers.
Performance - 3
The score we end up on here, is a big 3-figure as the tested setup with 2 x HD4770 512 in certain tests and resolutions, outperforms a single HD5770 1GB.
Price - 4
Price wise we end up with a score of 4, as the HD4770 512 in the cheapest model costs 710,- DKK and 806,- DKK for the most expensive one. The cheapest HD5770 1GB model costs 1053 - DKK at the time of writing. All prices are specified, according to EDBpriser.dk's information.