
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
I denne prisklasse er understøttelse af Rightlight, Rightsound og 720P imponerende.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Det er begrænset, hvad man kan forvente af tilbehør til et webcam, jeg havde dog gerne set en pose til transport af webcam'et.
Design/Layout - 5
Et kompakt webcam, i hele 7 forskellige design. Det kan suppleres med mus og tastatur i matchende design. Smart og universalt system til montering på skærmen uanset tykkelsen. Samt mulighed for ca. 60° hældning i alt.
Software/BIOS - 5
Logitech webcam software er overskueligt at bruge, men indeholder alligevel alle nødvendige funktioner, samt genveje til brugbar software. Yderligere er Vid HD inkluderet, så man kan komme i gang med videochat med det samme - også uden kendskab til Skype, Messenger o.l.
Ydelse - 4
Kvaliteten af både lyd og video er meget tilfredsstillende. Rightlight gør, hvad det skal, og sørger for god belysning uanset omgivelserne.
Pris - 5
Kun 175 DKK for et webcam med så meget at byde på. Man skal ikke benytte videochat mange timer om måneden for at kunne forsvare den pris.
UK summary

Innovation/Technology - 4
In this price range, support of Rightlight, Righsound and 720P is impressive.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
The amount of accessories to be expected from a webcam is limited. I would however have liked a bag for transport of the webcam.
Design/Layout - 5
A compact webcam, made in 7 different designs, all having a keyboard and mouse in matching design. Clever and universal system for screen-mounting regardless of thickness. It also has possibility of about 60° tilt in total.
Software/BIOS - 5
Logitech webcam software is simple to use, but still contains all the necessary functions, and shortcuts to other useful software. It also includes Vid HD, to get into videochat right away, even without knowledge of software like Skype or Messenger.
Performance - 4
The quality of both sound and video is very satisfactory. Rightlight does as it's supposed to, and keeps the light right on spot, no matter the surrounding light conditions.
Price - 5
With a webcam delivering this much, for only DKK 175, you don't need to spend many hours a month on videochat, to make it a "must have".
Test: Logitech C270 HD Webcam
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 5 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 5 |
| |
Samlet | 86% |
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