
Den nyeste rene Google smartphone, er uden tvivl en af de bedste Android baserede smartphones på markedet, i hvert fald indtil Android 4.0 begynder at dukke op hos konkurrenterne. Der er nogle få punkter, hvor der er forbedringspotentiale, men disse småting overskygges langt af den fantastiske skærm, det forbedrede styresystem og alle de andre gode ting denne telefon tilbyder.
Innovation/Teknologi - 4
Galaxy Nexus er primært udviklet for, at Google kan vise alt det, som den nyeste Android version kan. På softwarefronten er telefonen således også fuld af nyskabelser, og der bliver fulgt op med hardware der understøtter de nye funktioner. På hardwaresiden er der dog visse småting der trækker lidt ned, for eksempel kameraet og at lagerpladsen ikke kan udvides.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Det medfølgende tilbehør er rimelig standard, bestående af lader, datakabel, manual og headset. Det trækker lidt op, at datakabel og lader er kombineret, men der skal mere til for at tilbehøret for alvor hæver sig over gennemsnittet.
Design/Layout - 4
Designmæssigt kan jeg rigtig godt lidt den store flotte AMOLED HD skærm der buer let, den lave vægt og det tynde design. Det meste af telefonen af plastik, men da dette mere eller mindre er standard, vil jeg ikke lade det trække ned. Det sidste point ryger til gengæld, da skærmen ikke er lavet af det ekstra holdbare gorilla glas, man ellers ser på rigtig mange smartphones i dag.
Software - 5
Den nye version af Android er en stor forbedring i forhold til tidligere, og man kan mærke at Google efterhånden er ved at finde en opskrift, der virkelig virker. Der er plads til forbedringer, men hvis du er ude efter en smartphone med Android, så skal du gå efter den nyeste version. Med Galaxy Nexus får man desuden den rene Android oplevelse, uden producenternes forskellige modifikationer, der ikke altid er for det gode.
Ydelse - 4
Ydelsen er i den høje ende, og god nok til at sikre en fuldstændig flydende oplevelse og kræfter nok til alle opgaver. Ydelsen er dog nok ikke helt på højde med Galaxy S2, eller de nye smartphones der kommer på gaden i denne tid.
Pris - 2
Prismæssigt ligger Galaxy Nexus på lige under DKR 3900,- uden abonnement - det billigste sted på nettet. Det er ca. DKR 400,- mere end Galaxy S2, men dog omkring DKR 1000,- mindre end en iPhone 4S. Hvis man går efter en Android baseret smartphone, gør prisen at andre modeller nok giver lidt bedre værdi for pengene.
UK summary

The newest all-Google smarthpone is without a doubt one of the best Android based smarphones on the market today, at least until the moment Android 4.0 is standard among the competitors. There is a few things that could be improved, but that is minor things being eclipsed by the amazing screen, the improved operating system and all the other good things about this phone.
Innovation/Technology - 4
The purpose of the Galaxy Nexus is mainly to show what the newest Android version can really do. Regarding the software this phone is hence filled up with new features and hardware that makes the best of the changes. When it comes to the hardware, there is however a few things that could be better for instance the camera and the fact that you can't expand the storage space.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
The bundle is more or less what you see on all phones today as it consists of a charger, data cable, manual and headset. On the plus side counts that the charger and data cable is combined, but it would take more to get more than a grade of three.
Design/Layout - 4
The greatest asset regarding the design is the beautiful contour AMOLED HD screen, the low eight and the thin body. Most of the phone is made out of plastic, but since that is pretty much the case with all smarthones nowadays I am not going to let that affect the grading. The fact that the screen is not the extra durable gorilla glass as most other high end phones today does on the other hand affect the final grade a bit.
Software - 5
The new Android version is a huge improvement compared to earlier versions, and you get the feeling that Google have found a recipe that really works. There is still room for improvement, but if you are looking for an Android based smartphone this is definitely the Android version you want. Furthermore, Galaxy Nexus gives you the basic Android experience without any modifications.
Performance - 4
The performance is among the best, and good enough to make the interface completely smooth and accomplish any task you would like it to. The performance is however not quite as good as the Galaxy S2, or the high end smartphones just being released.
Price - 2
The Galaxy Nexus costs a bit less than DKK 3900,- for the phone alone at the cheapest store online. That is about DKK 400,- more than a Galaxy S2, but also around DKK 1000,- less than an iPhone 4S. If you are going for an Android based smartphone then other models might give you a bit more value for money than this one.
Test: Samsung Galaxy Nexus
Innovation / Teknologi | 4 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
Pris | 2 |
| |
Samlet | 73% |
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