
SharkGaming har med deres TRAUMATIZR serie smidt et par super hurtige og ikke mindst overclocking venlige RAM moduler på gaden. TRAUMATIZR har virkelig overrasket til den positive side. Vi opnåede uden problemer at få dem til at køre hele 2400MHz, selvom de er opgivet til 2133MHz. Det er flot. Endvidere er det rart at se, der er benyttet lave køleprofiler på RAM modulerne, så os med gigantiske luftkølere også kan være med, da pladsen mellem cpu sokkel og RAM slots ellers kan være trang, hvis der er monteret en stor køleprofil på rammene.
Innovation/Teknologi - 3
Vi har desværre ikke kunne få oplyst hvilke RAM chips, som der er brugt til deres TRAUMATIZR Serie, men kvaliteten fejler i hvert fald ikke noget. Rammene er i sidste udviklingstrin, og som vi kan se af testen så er Sharkgaming med i forreste linie.
Design/Layout - 4
Designet er som altid en smagssag, skal jeg gå i småtingsafdelingen ville det have sat prikken over i’et hvis farven på ram modulerne have samme farve (sort) som køleprofilen, SharkGaming oplyser at de arbejder hårdt på at få sort PCB i retail versionerne af deres TRAUMATIZR RAM som forventes at lande i februar/marts måned 2013.
SharkGaming har valgt at benytte lave køleprofiler hvilket er et stort plus i min bog, da man så kan montere de største CPU kølere uden at rammene er i vejen.
Ydelse - 5
TRAUMATIZR har virkelig fart gemt i sig og viser fint overclocking potentiale, der i vores test rammer 2400MHz. Vi lander derfor på et rent 5 tal.
Pris - 5
Prisen du må betale for dette herlige sæt er i den helt rigtige ende af prisskalaen.Kun 395,- DKK. For 2x4GB eller 790,- DKK. for hele 16GB som vi har testet. Barometeret rammer loftet.
UK summary

Sharkgamings TRAUMATIZR series are lightning fast, and not least very overclocking friendly DDR3 memory modules, that have made a very good impression. We had very little trouble making them run at 2400MHz, although the spec's say 2133MHz. Very good indeed. It is also a nice design feature with the use of low profile heatsinks, so those of us who have very large CPU coolers will not run into trouble when trying to fit it in next to the memory sockets. Large memory heatsinks often cause trouble.
Innovation/Technology - 3
We have not be able to be find out what RAM chips, that are used for their TRAUMATIZR Series, but the quality seems fine. These memory modules are in the last development stages, and according to our test Sharkgaming are doing a fine job.
Design/Layout - 4
The design is as always a matter of taste, should I mention one little thing on the downside it must be the color which would have been more cool if it had matched the color on the heatsink, but it is certainly not something that pulls down on the score. Sharkgaming have informed us that the retail version will have black PCB, and the product is expected in stores Q1 2013.
SharkGaming have chosen to use low profile heatsinks which is a big plus in my book, enabling those of us with large cpu coolers to play without having to worry about space.
Performance - 5
TRAUMATIZR memory modules are lightning fast, and shows great overclocking potential reaching 2400MHz in our test. We give a full 5 points in this category.
Price - 5
The pricetag on this glorious set, is in the right end of the scale. 395,-DKK. For 2x4GB or 790,- DKK. for the 16GB we've tested. And so the meter hits the max once more.
Test: SharkGaming Traumatizr DDR III 2133MHz
Innovation / Teknologi | 3 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Ydelse | 5 |
Pris | 5 |
| |
Samlet | 85% |
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