
Det har været et spændende møde med dette budget bundkort, især fordi det er med Z97 chipset. Når man kigger på bundlen, kan man sagtens se at det er et budget bundkort da der kun medfølger det mest nødvendige. Til gengæld er der blevet skruet lidt op for de features, som bundkortet kommer med, blandt andet det fysisk separerede lydkort. Bundkortet overclockede ganske fint selvom der ikke var alt for mange strømfaser til at stabiliserer CPUen under overclock
Bundle/Tilbehør - 3
Der er næsten ikke er noget tilbehør med til bundkortet. Der er dog hvad der skal bruges for at komme i gang, og da det er et budget bundkort så har man ikke, som sådan brug for så mange ting, som man har med et ROG bundkort.
Design/Layout - 3
Bundkortet tilbyder designmæssigt de funktioner som man forventer, med et stilrent farve valg og god afstand mellem de to PCIe porte til store udvidelseskort.
Software/BIOS - 3
En ganske standard software og BIOS bundle vi får med til bundkortet. BIOSen er magen til hvad vi finder på ASUS mainstream bundkort og det samme med software pakken.
Ydelse - 3
Sammenlignet med det andet bundkort jeg testede, klarer dette bundkort sig ganske hæderligt. Bundkortet leverede ganske pæne resultater, hvis man tager højde for at der sidder to vidt forskellige CPUer i de testede bundkort. Overclocking var heller ikke noget problem, i hvert fald ikke når det "kun" var en Pentium processor i soklen.
Pris - 4
For kun 730 kr. får man et virkelig lækkert bundkort med masser af brugbare funktioner som en budget maskine sagtens kan udnytte. I og med at man får et Z97 chipset, er der også mulighed for at lege lidt med overclocking, hvis man har sådanne ønsker. Du finder Asus Z97-P her
UK summary
It has been an exciting encounter with this budget motherboards, especially because it is the Z97 chipset. When looking at the bundle, one can easily see that this is a budget motherboard as only included the most necessary. However, there was added the features that the motherboard comes with, among other things, the physically separate sound card. The motherboard overclocked quite fine though there were not too many power phases to stabilize the CPU during overclock.
Bundle/Accessories - 3
There is hardly any accessories with this motherboard. However, there is what is needed to get started, and since it is a budget motherboard then you have not, as such the need for so many things as you have with an ROG motherboard.
Design/Layout - 3
The motherboard offers in design terms the features you would expect, with a stylish color choices and good distance between the two PCIe ports for large expansion cards.
Software/BIOS - 3
A fairly standard software and BIOS bundle we get with the motherboard. The BIOS is similar to what we find on mainstream ASUS motherboard and it's the same with the software package.
Performance - 3
Compared with the other motherboard I tested, this motherboard performs quite respectable. The motherboard delivered very good results if one takes into account that there are two different CPUs in the tested motherboards. Overclocking was no problem, at least not when it was "only" a Pentium processor in the socket.
Price - 4
For only 730 DKK You get a really great motherboard with lots of useful features that a budget machine can easily exploit. Given that you get a Z97 chipset, there is also the opportunity to play around with overclocking, if you have such desires
Test: Asus Z97-P
Bundle - Tilbehør | 3 |
Design - Layout | 3 |
Software - BIOS | 3 |
Ydelse | 3 |
Pris | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 64% |
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