Asus' nyeste innovation på grafikkortmarkedet har været et underholdende produkt at teste. Der er mange nyheder omkring dette kort, og vi skal ha' fundet ud af om det er hot eller not. Gennemgående har der ikke været nogle problemer med at teste Asus MA3850M, og det samlede indtryk af kortet er ganske positivt.
Innovation/Teknologi - 5
Kortet er modulært, ja - men når der ikke er planer om at udgive opgraderinger, så falder det ligesom ret hurtigt til jorden. Farveprocessoren er derimod en del af "moduliteten", og derfor trækker vi alligevel karakteren op på et flot 5-tal, da der er tale om noget helt nyt, som ingen af konkurrenterne har et modstykke til.
Bundle/Tilbehør - 4
Der er en rigtig flot bundle med til MA3850M. Den er ikke ekstraordinær, men ligger alligevel et godt stykke over middel. Det giver 4 points.
Design/Layout - 4
Uha, den er svær. Kortet er jo modulært, men det kan ikke rigtig bruges til noget (endnu i hvert fald). Blæseren er positivt stille af sig, og samlekvaliteten på kortet er rigtig god. Designet er også rigtig lækkert ift. så mange andre kort, så vi ender på et 4-tal her.
Software - 5
Splendid skulle vise sig at være en god nyhed for kræsne seere, gamere, grafikere og stort set alle andre personer der kan sætte pris på muligheden for at ændre skærmbilledets egenskaber, lynhurtigt via hotkeys, uden afbrydelse i det man er igang med. Til spørgsmålet om hvorvidt det er hot eller not, siger vi det er brænd varmt. Dertil kommer GamerOSD, SmartDoctor og Power-DVD. Et velfortjent 5-tal.
Ydelse - 4
Der var ikke nogen overraskelser mht. ydelsen på MA3850M, der lå helt som forventet i den lidt lavere ende af skalaen, men slet ikke er ude af billedet mht. gaming, da Crysis er fint spilbar i de lavere opløsninger. Et jævnt 3-tal ville være på plads, men så kommer Splendid ind i billedet igen, der jo er med til at præge oplevelsen af både film, spil og billeder i en sådan grad, at vi lægger et point mere til. 4 points.
Pris - N/A
Der er i skrivende stund, endnu ikke priser ude på kortet.

UK summary
Asus' newest innovation in the graphics-field has been an entertaining product to review. There's a lot of news in and around this card, and we're here to tell you whether it's hot or not. Basically there haven't been any issues while testing the MA3850M, and the final impression is positive by far.
Innovation/Technology - 5
Yes, the card IS modular, but without any plans to release upgrades, this fact kinda plummets to the ground. The colorprocessor on the other hand, is a part
of this "modularity", and therefore we drag the score up to a handsome 5 points, since this is something unique, to which none of the other competitors have any counterparts.
Bundle/Accessories - 4
There is a nice bundle with the MA3850M. It's not extraordinary, but is still well over medium, which releases 4 points.
Design/Layout - 4
This is a hard one. The card is modular, although this will hardly be able to sell the product - at least now. The cooler was positively low-noise, and the build-quality top notch. The design is also really sleek compared to many other cards. We settle at 4 points.
Software/BIOS - 5
As it turned out, Splendid is a sweet feature for gaming-, graphics-workers and movie-watching enthusiasts, and every other person who appreciates the possibility to rapidly change the properties of the image on screen via. hotkeys, without being abrubted in the activities they are doing. In the question about whether this product is hot or not, we say it's steaming. A well deserved 5 points.
Performance - 4
We didn't get any surprises regarding the performance of the MA3850M, which - as expected - is in the lower end of the scale, but not out of the picture when it
comes to gaming, since Crysis is absolutely playable in lower resolutions. An even 3 points would have been fair, but once again Splendid comes into the the picture, and puts a finishing touch to movies, games and picture-viewing, in such a way that we have to add another point. 4 points.
Price - N/A
In the moment of writing, there's still no word about the price.
Test: Asus MA3850M
Innovation / Teknologi | 5 |
Bundle - Tilbehør | 4 |
Design - Layout | 4 |
Software - BIOS | 5 |
Ydelse | 4 |
| |
Samlet | 88% |
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